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* Client-side quote
* Copyright (C) 2017 LoVullo Associates, Inc.
* This file is part of the Liza Data Collection Framework.
* liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
var Class = require( 'easejs' ).Class,
Quote = require( '../../quote/Quote' ),
EventEmitter = require( 'events' ).EventEmitter;
* Client interface to the Quote with additional functionality useful to the
* client, such as staging changes and initiating saving
module.exports = Class( 'ClientQuote' )
.implement( Quote )
.extend( EventEmitter,
* Emitted when data is committed
* @type {string}
'const EVENT_DATA_COMMIT': 'dataCommit',
* Emitted before data is updated
* This permits altering the values before they are added to the bucket and
* is useful for, say, validations.
* @type {string}
'const EVENT_PRE_DATA_UPDATE': 'preDataUpdate',
* Emitted when data is updated (but not committed)
* @type {string}
'const EVENT_DATA_UPDATE': 'dataUpdate',
* Raised when current step id changes
* @type {string}
'const EVENT_STEP_CHANGE': 'stepChange',
* Emitted when a new data classification has taken place
* Does not necessarily imply that any classifications have changed.
* @type {string}
'const EVENT_CLASSIFY': 'classify',
* Quote to operate on
* @type {Quote}
'private _quote': null,
* Staged changes to write to quote
* @type {StagingBucket}
'private _staging': null,
* Forcefully consider the quote unlocked, ignoring criteria
* @type {boolean}
'private _forceUnlock': false,
* Results of last classification
* @type {Object}
'private _lastClassify': null,
'private _classifier': null,
'private _classKnown': {},
* Initializes component with the given quote
* @param {Quote} quote quote to augment
* @param {Object} data data to initialize quote with (from server)
* @return {undefined}
'public __construct': function( quote, data, staging_callback )
var _self = this;
this._quote = this.initQuote( quote, data );
// create the staging bucket
quote.visitData( function( bucket )
_self._staging = staging_callback(
_self.hookBuckets( _self._staging, bucket );
} );
'virtual protected initQuote': function( quote, data )
var _self = this;
return quote
.setData( data.data || {} )
.setCurrentStepId( data.currentStepId || 0 )
.setTopVisitedStepId( data.topVisitedStepId || 0 )
.setAgentId( data.agentId || 0 )
.setImported( data.imported || false )
.setBound( data.bound || false )
.needsImport( data.needsImport || false )
( data.explicitLock || '' ),
( data.explicitLockStepId || 0 )
.on( 'stepChange', function( step_id )
_self.emit( _self.__self.$('EVENT_STEP_CHANGE'), step_id );
} );
'virtual protected hookBuckets': function( staging, bucket )
var _self = this;
// forward update events
bucket.on( 'update', function( data )
_self.emit( _self.__self.$('EVENT_DATA_COMMIT'), data );
} );
// forward staging update events
staging.on( 'preStagingUpdate', function( data )
_self.emit( _self.__self.$('EVENT_PRE_DATA_UPDATE'), data );
} );
staging.on( 'stagingUpdate', function( data )
_self.emit( _self.__self.$('EVENT_DATA_UPDATE'), data );
// perform classification
_self._classify( staging, data );
} );
* Set the classifier to be used for data classification
* The classifier should return an object containing all classifications and
* a single boolean value per classification.
* @param {function(Object)} classifier classifier function
* @return {ClientQuote} self
'public setClassifier': function( known_fields, classifier )
if ( !( typeof classifier === 'function' ) )
throw TypeError( 'Classifier must be a function' );
this._classifier = classifier;
this._classKnown = known_fields;
return this;
'public forceClassify': function()
this._classify( this._staging, null );
return this;
* Emit data classifications
* @param {Bucket} staging staging bucket
* @return {undefined}
'private _classify': function( staging, data )
if ( !( this._classifier ) )
// ignore fields that do not affect the classifier (if the given data is
// null, that signifies that we should perform the classification
// regardless)
if ( data )
var found = false;
for ( var name in data )
if ( this._classKnown[ name ] )
found = true;
if ( !( found ) )
this._lastClassify = this._classifier( staging.getData() )
* Hooks classify event and immediately triggers the continuation with the
* last classification data, if any
* Useful if the classification event has already been kicked off, but the
* data is needed (prevents race conditions).
* We provide this method rather than a getter to enforce encapsulation (we
* won't consider it violated here since event handlers normally have access
* to that data anyway)---this signifies intent.
* @param {function(Object)} c continuation
'public onClassifyAndNow': function( c )
this.on( this.__self.$('EVENT_CLASSIFY'), c );
// we may have been called too early, in which case we have nothing to
// provide
if ( this._lastClassify !== null )
c( this._lastClassify );
return this;
* Return the quote id
* @return {number} quote id
'public proxy getId': '_quote',
* Stages the given data
* Data is not written directly to the quote. It must be committed.
* @param {Object.<Array.<string>>} data data to set
* @return {ClientQuote} self
'public setData': function( data, merge_nulls )
merge_nulls = !!merge_nulls;
this._staging.setValues( data, true, merge_nulls );
return this;
'public setDataByName': function( name, values )
var data = {};
data[ name ] = values;
this.setData( data );
* Stages the given data for a certain index
* This is an alternative to manually generating an array with a single
* value for the given index using setData().
* @param {number} index index to set
* @param {Object.<string>} data data to set for index of each id
* @return {ClientQuote} self
'public setDataByIndex': function( index, data )
var diff = {};
// generate diff object
for ( var name in data )
var item = [];
item[ index ] = data[ name ];
diff[ name ] = item;
return this.setData( diff );
* Overwrites data, preventing merges
* @param {Object} data
* @return {ClientQuote} self
'public overwriteData': function( data )
this._staging.overwriteValues( data );
return this;
* Set quote data without considering it to be a modification
* Set underlying quote data DATA without triggering a client-side
* modifications. The intended us of this is to refresh quote
* data from the server, which has already been saved.
* DATA will completely overwrite existing values; it will not
* merge indexes like normal updates.
* @param {Object} data data to overwrite
* @return {ClientQuote} self
'public refreshData': function( data )
this._staging.setCommittedValues( data, false );
return this;
* Returns data from the quote
* @param {string} name name of data to retrieve
* @return {Array} quote data
'public proxy getDataByName': '_staging',
* Invoke callback for each value associated with the quote
* @param {function(Array.<string>,string)} callback function to call
* @return {ClientQuote} self
'public eachValue': function( callback )
this._staging.each( callback );
return this;
* Invoke callback for each value associated with the quote whose name
* matches the given pattern
* @param {Regexp} regex pattern to match name
* @param {function(Array.<string>,string)} callback function to call
* @return {ClientQuote} self
'public eachValueMatch': function( regex, callback )
this.eachValue( function( data, name )
if ( regex.test( name ) )
callback( data, name );
} );
return this;
* Commits changes to quote and attempts to save
* @return {ClientQuote} self
'public save': function( transport, callback )
var _self = this,
old_store = {};
this._doSave( transport, function( data )
// re-populate the previously staged values on error; otherwise,
// they would not be saved the next time around!
if ( data.hasError )
_self._staging.setValues( old_store.old, true, false );
callback.apply( null, arguments );
} );
// commit staged quote data to the data bucket (important: do this
// *after* save); will make the staged values available as old_store.old
this._staging.commit( old_store );
return this;
'public saveStaging': function( transport, callback )
this._doSave( transport, callback );
return this;
'private _doSave': function( transport, callback )
// if no transport was given, then don't save to the server
if ( transport === undefined )
return this;
var _self = this;
// send quote data to server
transport.send( this, function( err, data )
// if bucket data is returned, then apply it
if ( data && data.content && !data.hasError )
// the server has likely already applied these changes, so do
// not allow them to be discarded
_self._staging.setCommittedValues( data.content, true, false );
if ( err )
data = data || {};
data.hasError = true;
data.content = err.message || err;
if ( typeof callback === 'function' )
callback( data );
} );
'public isDirty': function()
return this._staging.isDirty();
'public clientSideUnlock': function()
this._forceUnlock = true;
'public clientSideRelock': function()
this._forceUnlock = false;
* Visits staging data
* @param {function( Bucket )} visitor
* @return void
'public visitData': function( visitor )
visitor( this._staging );
* Returns the program id associated with the quote
* @return {string} program id
'public proxy getProgramId': '_quote',
* Sets the program id associated with the quote
* @return {string} program id
'public proxy setProgram': '_quote',
* Returns the quote start date
* @return {number} quote start date
'public proxy getStartDate': '_quote',
* Returns the id of the agent that owns the quote
* @return {number} agent id
'public proxy getAgentId': '_quote',
* Returns whether the quote has been imported
* @return {boolean} true if imported, otherwise false
'public proxy isImported': '_quote',
* Returns whether the quote has been bound
* @return {boolean} true if bound, otherwise false
'public proxy isBound': '_quote',
* Returns the id of the current step
* @return {number} id of current step
'public proxy getCurrentStepId': '_quote',
* Sets the current step id
* @param {number} step_id id of the step to set
* @return {ClientQuote} self
'public proxy setCurrentStepId': '_quote',
* Returns the id of the highest step the quote has reached
* @return {number} top visited step id
'public proxy getTopVisitedStepId': '_quote',
* Sets the top visited step id
* If the provided step id is less than the current step, then the current
* step id is used instead.
* @return {ClientQuote} self
'public proxy setTopVisitedStepId': '_quote',
* Returns whether the quote is locked from modifications
* @return {boolean} true if locked, otherwise false
'public isLocked': function()
if ( this._forceUnlock )
return false;
return this._quote.isLocked();
* Returns whether the given step has been visited
* @param {number} id step id
* @return {boolean} whether step has been visited
'public proxy hasVisitedStep': '_quote',
* Sets a quote's imported status
* @param {boolean} imported
* @return {ClientQuote} self
'public proxy setImported': '_quote',
* Set quicksave data
* @param {Object} data quicksave data, diff format
* @return {Quote} self
'public proxy setQuickSaveData': '_quote',
* Retrieve quicksave data
* @return {Object} quicksave data
'public proxy getQuickSaveData': '_quote',
* Sets an explicit lock, providing a reason for doing so
* @param {string} reason lock reason
* @return {Quote} self
'public proxy setExplicitLock': '_quote',
* Clears an explicit lock
* @return {Quote} self
'public proxy clearExplicitLock': '_quote',
* Retrieves the reason for an explicit lock
* @return {string} lock reason
'public getExplicitLockReason': function()
return ( this._forceUnlock )
? ''
: this._quote.getExplicitLockReason();
* Returns the explicit lock step, if applicable
* @return {number} lock step, otherwise 0
'public getExplicitLockStep': function()
return ( this._forceUnlock )
? 0
: this._quote.getExplicitLockStep();
'public needsImport': function( set )
if ( set !== undefined )
return this._quote.needsImport( set );
return !this.isLocked() && this._quote.needsImport();
} );