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* Contains ClassifyClientDebugTab class
* Copyright (C) 2017 R-T Specialty, LLC.
* This file is part of the Liza Data Collection Framework
* Liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
var Class = require( 'easejs' ).Class,
EventEmitter = require( 'events' ).EventEmitter,
ClientDebugTab = require( './ClientDebugTab' );
* Monitors client-side assertions
module.exports = Class( 'AssertionClientDebugTab' )
.implement( ClientDebugTab )
.extend( EventEmitter,
* Client being monitored
* @type {Client}
'private _client': null,
* List storing classes
* @type {jQuery}
'private _$list': null,
* Class cache
* @type {Object}
'private _cache': {},
* Retrieve tab title
* @return {string} tab title
'public getTitle': function()
return 'Classifications';
* Retrieve tab content
* @param {Client} client active client being debugged
* @param {StagingBucket} bucket bucket to reference for data
* @return {jQuery} tab content
'public getContent': function( client, bucket )
// cut down on argument list
this._client = client;
this._hookClient( client );
return this._createContent();
'private _hookClient': function( client )
var _self = this,
cache = this._cache;
var sorted = null;
this._client.getQuote().on( 'classify', function( classes )
setTimeout( function()
// only sort the first time around (since we should always
// receive the same list of classifiers)
if ( sorted === null )
sorted = _self._sortClasses( classes );
for ( var i in sorted )
var c = sorted[ i ];
if ( cache[ c ] === undefined )
cache[ c ] = classes[ c ].is;
_self._addClass( c );
added = true;
// no need to update if the status hasn't changed
if ( cache[ c ] === c.is )
var sc = _self._sanitizeName( c );
_self._markClass( sc, classes[ c ].is );
_self._updateIndexes( sc, classes[ c ].indexes );
}, 25 );
} );
'private _addClass': function( cname )
var sc = this._sanitizeName( cname );
this._$list.append( $( '<div>' )
.attr( 'id', ( '-class-' + sc ) )
.text( cname )
.append( $ ( '<span/>' ) )
'private _updateIndexes': function( cname, indexes )
this._$list.find( '#' + '-class-' + cname + ' > span' )
.text( JSON.stringify( indexes ) );
'private _markClass': function( cname, is )
this._$list.find( '#' + '-class-' + cname ).toggleClass( 'is', is );
'private _sanitizeName': function( cname )
return cname.replace( /:/, '-' );
'private _sortClasses': function( classes )
var names = [];
for ( var c in classes )
names.push( c );
// sort the classifiers by name
return names.sort( function( a, b )
if ( a < b ) return -1;
else if ( a > b ) return 1;
else return 0;
} );
* Create tab content
* @return {jQuery} tab content
'private _createContent': function()
var _self = this,
$div = null;
// classifier list with filter box
this._$list = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'class-listing' )
.append( $( '<input>' )
.keyup( function()
var reg = new RegExp( this.value );
$( 'div.class-listing div' )
.toggle( true )
.filter( function() { return !$( this ).text().match( reg ) } )
.toggle( false );
) );
return $div = $( '<div>' )
.append( $( '<button>' )
.text( 'Toggle Dock' )
$( '#content' ).append(
_self._$list.addClass( 'dock' ).detach()
_self._$list.removeClass( 'dock' ).detach()
.append( $( '<input>' )
.attr( 'type', 'checkbox' )
.attr( 'id', 'classify-nohide' )
.change( function()
// trigger toggle event
_self.emit( 'classifyNoHideToggle',
$( this ).is( ':checked' )
} )
.append( $( '<label>' )
.attr( 'for', 'classify-nohide' )
.text( 'Inhibit field hiding by classifications' )
.append( this._$list );
} );