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* Manages DataAPI requests and return data
* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 R-T Specialty, LLC.
* This file is part of the Liza Data Collection Framework
* liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
const { Class } = require( 'easejs' );
const { EventEmitter } = require( '../events' );
const MissingDataError = require( './MissingDataError' );
* Pends and manages API calls and return data
* TODO: Extracted pretty much verbatim from Program; needs refactoring
module.exports = Class( 'DataApiManager' )
.extend( EventEmitter,
* Factory used to create data APIs
* @type {DataApiFactory}
'private _dataApiFactory': null,
* DataApi instance promises, indexed by API id
* @type {Object}
'private _dataApis': {},
* Data returned for fields via a data API, per index, formatted
* @type {Object}
'private _fieldData': {},
* Data returned for fields via a data API, per index, unformatted
* @type {Object}
'private _fieldRawData': {},
* Pending API calls (by tracking identifier, not API id)
* @type {Object}
'private _pendingApiCall': {},
* API calls queued for request
* @type {Object}
'private _queuedApiCall': {},
* Stack depth for field updates (recursion detection)
* @type {Object}
'private _fieldUpdateDepth': {},
* Whether new field data has been emitted
* @type {Object}
'private _fieldDataEmitted': {},
* Id of timer to process API queue
* @type {number}
'private _fieldApiTimer': 0,
* Fields that require API requests
* @type {Object}}
'private _fieldStale': {},
* API descriptions
* @type {Object}
'private _apis': {},
__construct: function( api_factory, apis )
this._dataApiFactory = api_factory;
this.setApis( apis || {} );
* Set available APIs
* TODO: Remove me; pass via ctor
* TODO: Document API definition format
* @param {Object} apis API definitions
* @return {DataApiManager} self
'public setApis': function( apis )
this._apis = apis;
return this;
* Retrieve data from the API identified by the given id
* The optional request id permits cancelling requests if necessary.
* Once a field has finished loading, a `fieldLoaded` event will be
* emitted with `name` and `index`.
* TODO: refactor argument list; it's just been built upon too much and
* needs reordering
* @param {string} api API id
* @param {Object} data API arguments (key-value)
* @param {function(Object)} callback callback to contain response
* @param {string} name element name for tracking
* @param {number} index index for tracking
* @param {bucket} bucket optional bucket to use as data source
* @param {function(Error)} fc failure continuation
* @return {Program} self
'public getApiData': function( api, data, callback, name, index, bucket, fc )
var id = ( name === undefined )
? ( ( new Date() ).getTime() )
: name + '_' + index;
var _self = this;
if ( !( this._apis[ api ] ) )
this.emit( 'error', Error( 'Unknown data API: ' + api ) );
// create the API if necessary (lazy-load); otherwise, use the existing
// instance (well, a promise for one)
var apip = this._dataApis[ api ] || ( function()
var apidesc = _self._apis[ api ];
// create a new instance of the API
return _self._dataApis[ api ] = _self._dataApiFactory.fromType(
apidesc.type, apidesc, bucket, api
.then( api =>
api.on( 'error', e => _self.emit( 'error', e ) )
} )();
// this has the effect of wiping out previous requests of the same id,
// ensuring that we will make only the most recent request
this._queuedApiCall[ id ] = function()
// mark this request as pending (note that we aren't storing and
// references to this object because we do not want a reference to
// be used---the entire object may be reassigned by something else
// in order to wipe out all values)
var uid = ( ( new Date() ).getTime() );
_self._pendingApiCall[ id ] = {
uid: uid,
name: name,
index: index
// process the request; we'll let them know when it comes back
apip.then( api => api.request( data, function()
// we only wish to populate the field if the request should
// still be considered pending
var curuid = ( _self._pendingApiCall[ id ] || {} ).uid;
if ( curuid === uid )
// forward to the caller
callback.apply( this, arguments );
// clear the pending flag
_self._pendingApiCall[ id ] = undefined;
_self.emit( 'fieldLoaded', name, +index );
}, id ) )
.catch( e => fc( e ) );
// field is about to be re-loaded
this.fieldStale( name, index, false );
return this;
* Get pending API calls
* TODO: Added to support a progressive refactoring; this breaks
* encapsulation and should be removed, or formalized.
* Returned object contains uid, name, and index fields.
* @return {Object} pending API calls
'public getPendingApiCalls': function()
return this._pendingApiCall;
* Marks field for re-loading
* Stale fields will not be considered to have data, but the data
* will remain in memory until the next request.
* @param {string} field field name
* @param {number} index field index
* @param {?boolean} stale whether field is stale
* @return {DataApiManager} self
'public fieldStale': function( field, index, stale )
stale = ( stale === undefined ) ? true : !!stale;
this._fieldStale[ field ] = this.fieldStale[ field ] || [];
this._fieldStale[ field ][ index ] = stale;
return this;
* Whether field is marked stale
* @param {string} field field name
* @param {number} index field index
* @return {boolean} whether field is stale
'protected isFieldStale': function( field, index )
return ( this._fieldStale[ field ] || [] )[ index ] === true;
'public fieldNotReady': function( id, i, bucket )
if ( !( this.hasFieldData( id, i ) ) )
// failure means that we don't have all the necessary params; clear the
// field
this.clearFieldData( id, i );
// clear the value of this field (IMPORTANT: do this *after* clearing
// the field data, since the empty value may otherwise be invalid);
// ***note that this will also clear any bucket values associated with
// this field, because this will trigger the change event for this
// field***
if ( bucket.hasIndex( id, i ) )
var data={};
data[ id ] = [];
data[ id ][ i ] = '';
// the second argument ensures that we merge indexes, rather than
// overwrite the entire value (see FS#11224)
bucket.setValues( data, true );
'private _setFieldApiTimer': function()
// no use in re-setting
if ( this._fieldApiTimer )
var _self = this;
this._fieldApiTimer = setTimeout( function()
}, 0 );
'public processFieldApiCalls': function()
// this may trigger more requests, so be prepared with a fresh queue
var oldqueue = this._queuedApiCall;
this._fieldApiTimer = 0;
this._queuedApiCall = {};
for ( var c in oldqueue )
if ( oldqueue[c] === undefined )
// perform the API call.
return this;
* Set API return data for a given field
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {number} index field index
* @param {Array.<Object>} data return data set
* @param {string} value param to map to value
* @param {string} label param to map to label
* @return {Program} self
'public setFieldData': function( name, index, data, value, label, unchanged )
if ( !this._fieldData[ name ] )
this._fieldData[ name ] = [];
this._fieldDataEmitted[ name ] = [];
if ( !( this._fieldRawData[ name ] ) )
this._fieldRawData[ name ] = [];
var fdata = this._fieldData[ name ][ index ] = {};
// store the raw return data in addition to our own formatted data below
this._fieldRawData[ name ][ index ] = data;
this._fieldDataEmitted[ name ][ index ] = false;
// store the data by value, not by index (as it is currently stored); we
// will not have access to that information without querying the DOM or
// iterating through the array, both of which are terrible ideas
for ( var i in data )
var data_value = data[ i ][ value ];
// if this value is already set, then it is not unique and will
// cause some obvious problems
if ( fdata[ data_value ] )
this.emit( 'error', Error(
'Value is not unique for ' + name + ': ' + data_value
) );
// simply index the same data by the value field
fdata[ data_value ] = data[ i ];
// empty flag
fdata.___empty = ( data.length === 0 );
// generate the field data that may be used to populate the UI (note
// that we include fdata since that allows the caller to quickly look up
// if a given value is in the list)
this.triggerFieldUpdate( name, index, value, label, unchanged );
return this;
'public triggerFieldUpdate': function(
name, index, value, label, unchanged
var fdata = this._fieldData[ name ][ index ],
data = this._fieldRawData[ name ][ index ];
// if no data could be found, try the "combined" index
if ( !fdata )
fdata = this._fieldData[ name ][ -1 ];
if ( !data )
data = this._fieldRawData[ name ][ -1 ];
if ( !data || !fdata )
// still no data, then error
this.emit( 'error', Error(
'updateFieldData missing data for ' +
name + '[' + index + ']'
) );
// if there has no change, and we have already announced this data, then
// do nothing
if ( unchanged && this._fieldDataEmitted[ name ][ index ] )
return false;
var fdepth = this._fieldUpdateDepth[ name ] =
this._fieldUpdateDepth[ name ] || [];
// protect against recursive updates which may happen if an update hook
// triggers another update
fdepth[ index ] = fdepth[ index ] || 0;
if ( fdepth[ index ] > 0 )
// if the value is identical, then simply abort without displaying
// an error; otherwise, we have a problem
if ( !unchanged )
// this should not happen.
this.emit( 'error', RangeError(
'updateFieldData recursion on ' + name + '[' + index + ']'
) );
return false;
fdepth[ index ]++;
// TODO: remove this assumption
const label_id = name + '_label';
this._fieldDataEmitted[ name ][ index ] = true;
this._genUiFieldData( data, value, label, label_id ),
catch ( e )
this.emit( 'error', Error(
'updateFieldData hook error: ' + e.message
) );
fdepth[ index ]--;
return !unchanged;
* Returns whether the given field has any result data associated with it
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {number} index field index
* @return {boolean} true if result data exists for field, otherwise false
'public hasFieldData': function( name, index )
// default to "combined" index of -1 if no index is provided
index = ( index === undefined ) ? -1 : +index;
if ( this.isFieldStale( name, index ) )
return false;
return ( ( this._fieldData[ name ] || {} )[ index ] )
? true
: false;
* Generate label and value objects for the given result set
* This data is ideal for updating a UI and contains no extra information.
* @param {Array.<Object>} data return data
* @param {string} value param to map to value
* @param {string} label param to map to label
* @param {string} label_id label field id
* @return {Array.<Object>} value and label data set
'private _genUiFieldData': function( data, value, label, label_id )
var ret = [],
len = data.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ )
var idata = data[ i ];
ret[ i ] = {
value: idata[ value ],
label: idata[ label ],
label_id: label_id,
return ret;
* Clear all API response data associated with a given field
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {number} index field index
* @param {boolean} trigger_event trigger clear event
* @return {Program} self
'public clearFieldData': function( name, index, trigger_event )
// clear field data
( this._fieldData[ name ] || {} )[ index ] = undefined;
( this._fieldDataEmitted[ name ] || {} )[ index ] = undefined;
// notify our fans
if ( trigger_event !== false )
this.emit( 'clearFieldData', name, index );
return this;
* Clear API Pending status
* Preventing the result for the associated request from taking effect
* This eliminates side-effects of race conditions (e.g. clearing a field
* while a request is still pending), but does not actually cancel the API
* call itself.
* @param {string} id tracking identifier
* @return {Program} self
'public clearPendingApiCall': function( id )
if ( id !== undefined && this._pendingApiCall[ id ] !== undefined )
this._pendingApiCall[ id ] = undefined;
this._queuedApiCall[ id ] = undefined;
return this;
* Expand the mapped field data for the given field into the bucket
* It is expected that the callers are intelligent enough to not call this
* method if it would result in nonsense. That is, an error will be raised
* in the event that field data cannot be found; this will help to point out
* logic errors that set crap values.
* The predictive parameter allows data for the field to be set when the
* caller knows that the data for the value may soon become available (e.g.
* setting the value to pre-populate the value of a pending API call).
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {number} index field index
* @param {Object} bucket bucket to expand into
* @param {Object} map param mapping to bucket fields
* @param {boolean} predictive allow value to be set even if data does not
* exist for it
* @param {Object} diff changeset
* @return {Program} self
'public expandFieldData': function(
name, index, bucket, map, predictive, diff
var update = this.getDataExpansion(
name, index, bucket, map, predictive, diff
// update the bucket, merging with current data (other indexes)
bucket.setValues( update, true );
return this;
'public getDataExpansion': function(
name, index, bucket, map, predictive, diff
var field_data = ( this._fieldData[ name ] || {} )[ index ],
data = {},
field_value = ( diff[ name ] || bucket.getDataByName( name ) )[ index ];
// if it's undefined, then the change probably represents a delete
if ( field_value === undefined )
( this._fieldDataEmitted[ name ] || [] )[ index ] = false;
return {};
// if we have no field data, try the "combined" index
if ( !field_data )
field_data = ( this._fieldData[ name ] || [] )[ -1 ];
// if we have no data, then the field has likely been cleared (so we'll
// want to clear the bucket values
if ( field_data && !( field_data.___empty ) )
// do we have data for the currently selected index?
var data = field_data[ field_value ];
if ( !predictive && !( data ) && ( field_value !== '' ) )
// hmm..that's peculiar.
throw MissingDataError(
'Data missing for field ' + name + '[' + index + ']!'
else if ( !data )
// we want to ignore the failure, but need to ensure the data is
// set to something sane
data = {};
else if ( ( field_data && field_data.___empty )
&& ( field_value !== '' )
// we have no field data but we're trying to set a non-empty value
this.emit( 'error', Error(
'Setting non-empty value ' + name + '[' + index + '] with ' +
'no field data!'
) );
// we'll clear everything out (we default to an empty string in the
// loop below)
data = {};
// alright---set each of the bucket values
var update = {};
for ( var field in map )
var param = map[ field ],
fdata = [];
fdata[ index ] = ( data[ param ] !== undefined )
? data[ param ]
: '';
update[ field ] = fdata;
return update;
} );