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* Data validator
* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 R-T Specialty, LLC.
* This file is part of liza.
* liza is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"use strict";
const Class = require( 'easejs' ).Class;
* Check data update for failures
* This validator glues together various parts of the system that contribute
* to a validation on data change.
* TODO: Remove reliance on ClientDependencyFactory
module.exports = Class( 'DataValidator',
* Bucket data validator
* @type {BucketDataValidator}
'private _bucket_validator': null,
* Bucket field monitor
* @type {ValidStateMonitor}
'private _field_monitor': null,
* Dependency factory
* TODO: remove dependency on this class
* @type {ClientDependencyFactory}
'private _factory': null,
* Various layers of the diff store
* @type {Object}
'private _stores': {},
* Pending validation
* @type {Promise}
'private _pending': null,
* Initialize validator
* @param {BucketDataValidator} bucket_validator data validator
* @param {ValidStateMonitor} field_monitor field state monitor
* @param {ClientDependencyFactory} dep_factory REMOVE ME
* @param {function()} store_factory factory for diff store
bucket_validator, field_monitor, dep_factory, store_factory
if ( typeof store_factory !== 'function' )
throw TypeError( "Expected function for parameter store_factory" );
this._bucket_validator = bucket_validator;
this._field_monitor = field_monitor;
this._factory = dep_factory;
this._createStores( store_factory );
* Create internal diff stores
* @param {function()} store_factory function to produce stores
* @return {undefined}
'private _createStores': function( store_factory )
this._stores = store_factory();
* Validate diff and update field monitor
* If an operation is pending completion, all further requests to this
* object will be queued to prevent unexpected/inconsistent system
* states and race conditions.
* The external validator `validatef` is a kluge while the system
* undergoes refactoring.
* @param {Object} diff bucket diff
* @param {function(Object,Object)=} validatef external validator
* @return {Promise} accepts with unspecified value once field monitor
* has completed its update
'public validate'( diff, classes, validatef )
const _self = this;
return this._onceReady( () =>
let failures = {};
if ( diff !== undefined )
_self._bucket_validator.validate( diff, ( name, value, i ) =>
diff[ name ][ i ] = undefined;
( failures[ name ] = failures[ name ] || {} )[ i ] =
_self._factory.createFieldFailure( name, i, value );
}, true );
validatef && validatef( diff, failures );
// XXX: this assumes that the above is synchronous
return this._pending =
classes, this._stores.cstore, 'indexes'
.then( () => this._doUpdateFailures( diff, failures ) );
} );
* Update failures from external validation
* If an operation is pending completion, all further requests to this
* object will be queued to prevent unexpected/inconsistent system
* states and race conditions.
* TODO: This is a transitional API---we should handle all validations,
* not allow external systems to meddle in our affairs.
* @param {Object} diff bucket diff
* @param {Object} failures failures per field name and index
* @return {Promise} promise to populate internal store
'public updateFailures'( diff, failures )
return this._onceReady( () =>
return this._doUpdateFailures( diff, failures );
} );
* Update failures from external validation
* @param {Object} diff bucket diff
* @param {Object} failures failures per field name and index
* @return {Promise} promise to populate internal store
'private _doUpdateFailures': function( diff, failures )
return this._populateStore( diff, this._stores.bstore ).then( () =>
this._stores.store, failures
* Clear specified failures, or otherwise all recorded failures
* `fields` must be a key-value map with the field name as the key and
* an array of indexes as the value. Any field in `fields` that has no
* failure is ignored.
* See `ValidStateMonitor#clearFailures` for more information.
* @param {Object} fields key-value names of fields/indexes to clear
* @return {DataValidator} self
'public clearFailures'( failures )
this._field_monitor.clearFailures( failures );
return this;
* Wait until all requests are complete and then trigger callback
* @param {Function} callback callback to trigger when ready
* @return {Promise}
'private _onceReady': function( callback )
if ( this._pending )
// we become the end of the chain
return this._pending = this._pending.then( () =>
this._onceReady( callback )
return this._pending = callback()
.then( () => this._pending = null );
* Populate store with data
* This effectively converts a basic array into a `Store`. This is
* surprisingly performant on v8. If the stores mix in traits, there
* may be a slight performance hit for trait-overridden methods.
* @param {Object} data data to map onto store
* @return {Promise} when all items have been added to the store
'private _populateStore'( data, store, subkey )
if ( data === undefined )
return Promise.resolve( [] );
const mapf = ( subkey !== undefined )
? key => store.add( key, data[ key ][ subkey ] )
: key => store.add( key, data[ key ] );
return store.clear()
.then( () => Promise.all(
Object.keys( data ).map( mapf )
) );
} );