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* Tests static members (this includes constants)
* Copyright (C) 2010 Mike Gerwitz
* This file is part of ease.js.
* ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @author Mike Gerwitz
* @package test
var common = require( './common' ),
assert = require( 'assert' ),
builder = common.require( 'class_builder' ),
fallback = common.require( 'util' ).definePropertyFallback()
* To provide access to static members, this.__self is made available inside of
* instances.
( function testSelfPropertyReferencesClassDefinition()
var Foo = builder.build(
'public function test': function()
return this.__self;
} );
assert.deepEqual( Foo().test(), Foo,
"__self property references class definition"
} )();
* Static members, by their nature, should be accessible through the class
* definition itself; that is, without instantiation. It should also not be
* available through the generated prototype (and therefore, be unavailable to
* instances).
( function testPublicStaticMembersAreAccessibleViaClassDefinitionOnly()
var val = 'foo',
val2 = 'bar',
Foo = builder.build(
'public static foo': val,
// should be public by default
'static bar': val2,
// the same rules should apply to methods
'public static baz': function()
return val;
'static foobar': function()
return val2;
} );
// properties should be accessible via class definition
assert.equal( Foo.foo, val,
"Public static properties should be accessible via class definition"
// as long as the above test succeeded, we can then conclude that static
// members are public by default if the following succeeds
assert.equal( Foo.bar, val2,
"Static properties are public by default"
// methods should be accessible via class definition
assert.equal( Foo.baz(), val,
"Public static methods should be accessible via class definition"
// same rules as above, but with a method
assert.equal( Foo.foobar(), val2,
"Static methods are public by default"
// neither should be a part of the prototype
assert.equal( Foo.prototype.foo, undefined,
"Public static properties are *not* part of the prototype"
assert.equal( Foo.prototype.baz, undefined,
"Public static methods are *not* part of the prototype"
} )();
* Same as above, but with getters/setters. We can only run this test if
* getters/setters are supported by the engine running it.
( function testPublicStaticGettersSettersAreAccessibleViaClassDefinitionOnly()
// if unsupported, don't bother with the test
if ( fallback )
// we must define in this manner so older engines won't blow up due to
// syntax errors
var def = {},
val = 'baz'
called = [];
Object.defineProperty( def, 'public static foo', {
get: function() { return val; },
set: function() { called[ 0 ] = true; },
enumerable: true,
} );
// should be public by default if not specified
Object.defineProperty( def, 'static bar', {
get: function() { return val; },
set: function() { called[ 1 ] = true; },
enumerable: true,
} );
// define the class
var Foo = builder.build( def );
assert.equal( Foo.foo, val,
"Public static getters are accessible via class definition"
Foo.foo = 'moo';
assert.equal( called[ 0 ], true,
"Public static setters are accessible via class definition"
assert.equal( Foo.bar, val,
"Static getters are public by default"
Foo.bar = 'moo';
assert.equal( called[ 1 ], true,
"Static setters are public by default"
// none of these should be available on the prototype
assert.equal( Foo.prototype.foo, undefined,
"Public static getters/getters are unavailable on prototype (0)"
assert.equal( Foo.prototype.bar, undefined,
"Public static getters/getters are unavailable on prototype (1)"
} )();
* With non-static methods, 'this' is bound to the instance. In the case of
* static members, we should bind to the class definition (equivalent of
* this.__self).
* This functionality had already existed previously. When a propobj is not
* available for an instance, it falls back. This serves as a regression test to
* ensure this functionality remains.
( function testStaticMethodsBoundToClassRatherThanInstance()
var result = null,
Foo = builder.build(
'public static foo': function()
result = this;
} );
// call the static method
assert.deepEqual( result, Foo,
"Static members are bound to class definition rather than instance"
} )();
* We don't have the benefit of static members being part of the prototype
* chain. Inheritance is not automatic. This test deals only with ensuring that
* *public* static members are inherited by subtypes.
( function testPublicStaticMembersAreInheritedBySubtypes()
var def = {
'public static foo': 'val',
'public static func': function() {},
'public bla': 'moo',
// also test getters/setters if supported
if ( !fallback )
Object.defineProperty( def, 'public static bar', {
get: function() {},
set: function() {},
enumerable: true,
} );
var baz = 'foobar',
Foo = builder.build( def ),
// extends from the parent and adds an additional
SubFoo = builder.build( Foo, { 'public static baz': baz } ),
// simply extends from the parent (also serves as a check to ensure that
// static members of *all* parents are inherited, not just the
// immediate)
SubSubFoo = builder.build( SubFoo, {} )
// properties
assert.equal( SubFoo.foo, Foo.foo,
"Public static properties are inherited by subtypes"
assert.equal( SubSubFoo.foo, Foo.foo,
"Public static properties are inherited by sub-subtypes"
// methods
assert.deepEqual( SubFoo.func, Foo.func,
"Public static methods are inherited by subtypes"
assert.deepEqual( SubSubFoo.func, Foo.func,
"Public static methods are inherited by sub-subtypes"
// merge
assert.equal( SubFoo.baz, baz,
"Subtypes contain both inherited static members as well as their own"
// getters/setters (if supported by engine)
if ( !fallback )
var super_data = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( Foo, 'bar' ),
sub_data = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( SubFoo, 'bar' ),
sub_sub_data = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( SubFoo, 'bar' )
// getters
assert.deepEqual( super_data.get, sub_data.get,
"Public static getters are inherited by subtypes"
assert.deepEqual( super_data.get, sub_sub_data.get,
"Public static getters are inherited by sub-subtypes"
// setters
assert.deepEqual( super_data.set, sub_data.set,
"Public static setters are inherited by subtypes"
assert.deepEqual( super_data.set, sub_sub_data.set,
"Public static setters are inherited by sub-subtypes"
} )();