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* Tests parameterized traits
* Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU ease.js.
* ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/*** XXX __construct or __mixin first? __mixin with no parameters should
* permit standard trait with initialization procedure ***/
require( 'common' ).testCase(
caseSetUp: function()
this.Sut = this.require( 'Trait' );
this.Class = this.require( 'class' );
var _self = this;
this.createParamTrait = function( f )
return _self.Sut( { __mixin: ( f || function() {} ) } );
* Since traits are reusable components mixed into classes, they
* themselves do not have a constructor. This puts the user at a
* disadvantage, because she would have to create a new trait to simply
* to provide some sort of configuration at the time the class is
* instantiated. Adding a method to do the configuration is another
* option, but that is inconvenient, especially when the state is
* intended to be immutable.
* This does not suffer from the issue that Scala is having in trying to
* implement a similar feature because traits cannot have non-private
* properties; the linearization process disambiguates.
* When a trait contains a __mixin method, it is created as a
* ParameterTraitType instead of a TraitType. Both must be recognized as
* traits so that they can both be mixed in as expected; a method is
* provided to assert whether or not a trait is a parameter trait
* programatically, since attempting to configure a non-param trait will
* throw an exception.
'Can create parameter traits': function()
var T = this.createParamTrait();
this.assertOk( this.Sut.isParameterTrait( T ) );
this.assertOk( this.Sut.isTrait( T ) );
* A parameter trait is in an uninitialized state---it cannot be mixed
* in until arguments have been provided; same rationale as a class
* constructor.
'Cannot mix in a parameter trait': function()
var _self = this;
this.assertThrows( function()
_self.Class.use( _self.createParamTrait() )();
} );
* Invoking a parameter trait will produce an argument trait which may
* be mixed in. This has the effect of appearing as though the trait is
* being instantiated (but it's not).
'Invoking parameter trait produces argument trait': function()
var _self = this;
this.assertDoesNotThrow( function()
_self.Sut.isArgumentTrait( _self.createParamTrait()() )
} );
* Traits cannot be instantiated; ensure that this remains true, even
* with the parameterized trait implementation.
'Invoking a standard trait throws an exception': function()
var Sut = this.Sut;
this.assertThrows( function()
// no __mixin method; not a param trait
Sut( {} )();
} );
* Argument traits can be mixed in just as non-parameterized traits can;
* it would be silly not to consider them to be traits through our
* reflection API.
'Recognizes argument trait as a trait': function()
this.Sut.isTrait( this.createParamTrait()() )
* A param trait, upon configuration, returns an immutable argument
* trait; any attempt to invoke it (e.g. to try to re-configure) is in
* error.
'Cannot re-configure argument trait': function()
var _self = this;
this.assertThrows( function()
// ParameterTrait => ArgumentTrait => Error
} );
* Upon instantiating a class into which an argument trait was mixed,
* all configuration arguments should be passed to the __mixin method.
* Note that this means that __mixin *will not* be called at the point
* that the param trait is configured.
'__mixin is invoked upon class instantiation': function()
var called = 0;
var T = this.createParamTrait( function()
} );
// ensure we only invoke __mixin a single time
this.Class( {} ).use( T() )();
this.assertEqual( called, 1 );
* Standard sanity check---make sure that the arguments provided during
* configuration are passed as-is, by reference, to __mixin. Note that
* this has the terrible consequence that, should one of the arguments
* be modified by __mixin (e.g. an object field), then it will be
* modified for all other __mixin calls. But that is the case with any
* function. ;)
'__mixin is passed arguments by reference': function()
var args,
a = { a: 'a' },
b = { b: 'b' };
var T = this.createParamTrait( function()
args = arguments;
} );
this.Class( {} ).use( T( a, b ) )();
this.assertStrictEqual( a, args[ 0 ] );
this.assertStrictEqual( b, args[ 1 ] );
* The __mixin method should be invoked within the context of the trait
* and should therefore have access to its private members. Indeed,
* parameterized traits would have far more limited use if __mixin did
* not have access to private members, because that would be the proper
* place to hold configuration data.
'__mixin has access to trait private members': function()
var expected = {};
var T = this.Sut(
'private _foo': null,
__mixin: function( arg ) { this._foo = arg; },
getFoo: function() { return this._foo; },
} );
this.assertStrictEqual( expected,
this.Class( {} ).use( T( expected ) )().getFoo()
* It is still useful to be able to define a __mixin method to be called
* as an initialization method for default state; otherwise, arbitrary
* method overrides or explicit method calls are needed.
'__mixin with empty parameter list is still invoked': function()
var expected = {},
var T = this.createParamTrait( function() { given = expected; } );
// notice that we still configure T, with an empty argument list
this.Class( {} ).use( T() )();
this.assertStrictEqual( expected, given );
* Parameterized traits are intended to be configured. However, there
* are a number of reasons to allow them to be mixed in without
* configuration (that is---without being converted into argument
* traits):
* - Permits default behavior with no configuration, overridable with;
* - If any __mixin definition required configuration, then traits
* would break backwards-compatibility if they wished to define it,
* with no means of maintaining BC;
* - Allows trait itself to determine whether arguments are required.
'Mixing in param trait will invoke __mixin with no arguments':
var n = 0;
// ensure consistency at any arity; we'll test nullary and unary,
// assuming the same holds true for any n-ary __mixin method
var T0 = this.createParamTrait( function() { n |= 1; } ),
T1 = this.createParamTrait( function( a ) { n |= 2; } );
// ensure that param traits do not throw errors when mixed in (as
// opposed to argument traits, which have been tested thusfar)
var C = this.Class( {} );
this.assertDoesNotThrow( function()
C.use( T0 )();
C.use( T1 )();
} );
this.assertEqual( n, 3 );
* Sibling traits are an interesting case---rather than stacking, they
* are mixed in alongside each other, meaning that there may be
* multiple traits that define __mixin. Ordinarily, this is a problem;
* however, __mixin shall be treated as if it were private and shall be
* invoked once per trait, giving each a chance to initialize.
* Furthermore, each should retain access to their own configuration.
'Invokes __mixin of each sibling mixin': function()
var args = [],
vals = [ {}, [] ],
c = function() { args.push( arguments ) };
var Ta = this.createParamTrait( c ),
Tb = this.createParamTrait( c );
this.Class( {} ).use( Ta( vals[0] ), Tb( vals[1] ) )();
this.assertEqual( args.length, 2 );
this.assertStrictEqual( args[0][0], vals[0] );
this.assertStrictEqual( args[1][0], vals[1] );
* This decision is not arbitrary.
* We shall consider two different scenarios: first, the case of mixing
* in some trait T atop of some class C. Assume that C defines a
* __construct method; it does not know whether or not a trait will be
* mixed in, nor should it care---it should proceed initializing its
* state as normal. However, what if a trait were to be mixed in,
* overriding certain behaviors? It is then imperative that T be
* initialized prior to any calls by C#__construct. It is not important
* that C be initialized prior to T#__mixin, because T can know that it
* should not invoke any methods that will fail---it should be used only
* to initialize state. (In the future, ease.js may enforce this
* restriction.)
* The second scenario is described in the test that follows.
'Invokes __mixin before __construct when C.use(T)': function()
var mixok = false;
var T = this.createParamTrait( function() { mixok = true } ),
C = this.Class(
__construct: function()
if ( !mixok ) throw Error(
"__construct called before __mixin"
} );
this.assertDoesNotThrow( function()
C.use( T )();
} );
* (Continued from above test.)
* In the reverse situation---whereby C effectively extends T---we want
* __construct to instead be called *after* __mixin of T (and any other
* traits in the set). This is because __construct may wish to invoke
* methods of T, but what would cause problems if T were not
* initialized. Further, T would not have knowledge of C and, if it
* expected a concrete implementation to be called from T#__mixin, then
* T would have already been initialized, or C's concrete implementation
* would know what not to do (in the case of a partial initialization).
* This is also more intuitive---we are invoking initialize methods as
* if they were part of a stack.
'Invokes __construct before __mixin when Class.use(T).extend()':
var cok = false;
var T = this.createParamTrait( function()
if ( !cok ) throw Error(
"__mixin called before __construct"
} );
var C = this.Class.use( T ).extend(
__construct: function() { cok = true }
} );
this.assertDoesNotThrow( function()
} );
* The same concept as above, extended to subtypes. In particular, we
* need to ensure that the subtype is able to properly initialize or
* alter state that __mixin of a supertype depends upon.
'Subtype invokes ctor before supertype __construct or __mixin':
var cok = false;
var T = this.createParamTrait( function()
if ( !cok ) throw Error(
"__mixin called before Sub#__construct"
} );
var Sub = this.Class( {} ).use( T ).extend(
__construct: function() { cok = true }
} );
this.assertDoesNotThrow( function()
} );
} );