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* Provides system for code reuse via traits
* Copyright (C) 2014 Mike Gerwitz
* This file is part of GNU ease.js.
* ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
var AbstractClass = require( __dirname + '/class_abstract' );
function Trait()
switch ( arguments.length )
case 1:
return Trait.extend.apply( this, arguments );
Trait.extend = function( dfn )
// we need at least one abstract member in order to declare a class as
// abstract (in this case, our trait class), so let's create a dummy one
// just in case DFN does not contain any abstract members itself
dfn[ 'abstract protected ___$$trait$$' ] = [];
function TraitType()
throw Error( "Cannot instantiate trait" );
// and here we can see that traits are quite literally abstract classes
var tclass = AbstractClass( dfn );
TraitType.__trait = true;
TraitType.__acls = tclass;
TraitType.__ccls = createConcrete( tclass );
// traits are not permitted to define constructors
if ( tclass.___$$methods$$['public'].__construct !== undefined )
throw Error( "Traits may not define __construct" );
// invoked to trigger mixin
TraitType.__mixin = function( dfn )
mixin( TraitType, dfn );
return TraitType;
Trait.isTrait = function( trait )
return !!( trait || {} ).__trait;
* Create a concrete class from the abstract trait class
* This class is the one that will be instantiated by classes that mix in
* the trait.
* @param {AbstractClass} acls abstract trait class
* @return {Class} concrete trait class for instantiation
function createConcrete( acls )
// start by providing a concrete implementation for our dummy method
var dfn = {
'protected ___$$trait$$': function() {},
// TODO: everything else
return acls.extend( dfn );
* Mix trait into the given definition
* The original object DFN is modified; it is not cloned.
* @param {Trait} trait trait to mix in
* @param {Object} dfn definition object to merge into
* @return {Object} dfn
function mixin( trait, dfn )
// the abstract class hidden within the trait
var acls = trait.__acls,
methods = acls.___$$methods$$;
// retrieve the private member name that will contain this trait object
var iname = addTraitInst( trait.__ccls, dfn );
mixMethods( methods['public'], dfn, 'public', iname );
mixMethods( methods['protected'], dfn, 'protected', iname );
return dfn;
* Mix methods from SRC into DEST using proxies
* @param {Object} src visibility object to scavenge from
* @param {Object} dest destination definition object
* @param {string} vis visibility modifier
* @param {string} ianem proxy destination (trait instance)
* @return {undefined}
function mixMethods( src, dest, vis, iname )
// TODO: ignore abstract
for ( var f in src )
if ( !( Object.hasOwnProperty.call( src, f ) ) )
// TODO: this is a kluge; we'll use proper reflection eventually,
// but for now, this is how we determine if this is an actual method
// vs. something that just happens to be on the visibility object
if ( !( src[ f ].___$$keywords$$ ) || f === '___$$trait$$' )
var pname = vis + ' proxy ' + f;
// if we have already set up a proxy for a field of this name, then
// multiple traits have defined the same concrete member
if ( dest[ pname ] !== undefined )
// TODO: between what traits?
throw Error( "Trait member conflict: `" + f + "'" );
// proxy this method to what will be the encapsulated trait object
dest[ pname ] = iname;
* Add concrete trait class to a class instantion list
* This list---which will be created if it does not already exist---will be
* used upon instantiation of the class consuming DFN to instantiate the
* concrete trait classes.
* Here, `tc' and `to' are understood to be, respectively, ``trait class''
* and ``trait object''.
* @param {Class} C concrete trait class
* @param {Object} dfn definition object of class being mixed into
* @return {string} private member into which C instance shall be stored
function addTraitInst( C, dfn )
var tc = ( dfn.___$$tc$$ = ( dfn.___$$tc$$ || [] ) ),
iname = '___$to$' + tc.length;
// the trait object array will contain two values: the destination field
// and the class to instantiate
tc.push( [ iname, C ] );
// we must also add the private field to the definition object to
// support the object assignment indicated by TC
dfn[ 'private ' + iname ] = null;
// create internal trait ctor if not available
if ( dfn.___$$tctor$$ === undefined )
dfn.___$$tctor$$ = tctor;
return iname;
* Trait initialization constructor
* May be used to initialize all traits mixed into the class that invokes
* this function. All concrete trait classes are instantiated and their
* resulting objects assigned to their rsepective pre-determined field
* names.
* @return {undefined}
function tctor()
// instantiate all traits and assign the object to their
// respective fields
var tc = this.___$$tc$$;
for ( var t in tc )
var f = tc[ t ][ 0 ],
C = tc[ t ][ 1 ];
// TODO: pass protected visibility object once we create
// trait class ctors
this[ f ] = C();
module.exports = Trait;