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* Simple X-Unit-style test cases
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Mike Gerwitz
* This file is part of GNU ease.js.
* ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
var assert = require( 'assert' ),
assert_wrapped = {},
acount = 0,
icount = 0,
scount = 0,
skpcount = 0,
tcount = 0,
// when set to true, final statistics will be buffered until suite ends
suite = false,
failures = [],
// dummy object to be thrown for test skipping
SkipTest = { skip: true },
common_require = require( __dirname + '/common' ).require
// wrap each of the assertions so that we can keep track of the number of times
// that they were invoked
for ( var f in assert )
var _assert_cur = assert[ f ];
if ( typeof _assert_cur !== 'function' )
// wrap the assertion to keep count
assert_wrapped[ f ] = ( function( a )
return function()
a.apply( this, arguments );
} )( _assert_cur );
function incAssertCount()
* Defines and runs a test case
* This is a very basic system that provides a more familiar jUnit/phpUnit-style
* output for xUnit tests and allows all tests in the case to be run in the
* event of a test failure.
* The test name should be given as the key and the test itself as a function as
* the value. The test will be invoked within the context of the assertion
* module.
* This will be evolving throughout the life of the project. Mainly, it cannot
* be run as part of a suite without multiple summary outputs.
* @param {Object.<string,function()>} object containing tests
* @return {undefined}
module.exports = function( test_case )
var context = prepareCaseContext(),
setUp = test_case.setUp;
// if we're not running a suite, clear out the failures
if ( !( suite ) )
// perform case-wide setup
test_case.caseSetUp && test_case.caseSetUp.call( context );
// remove unneeded methods so we don't invoke them as tests below
delete test_case.caseSetUp;
delete test_case.setUp;
// run each test in the case
for ( var test in test_case )
var data = test.match( /^(?:@(.*?)\((.*?)\))?(.*)$/ ),
method = data[ 1 ],
prop = data[ 2 ],
name = data[ 3 ],
count = 1,
args = [ [] ]
if ( method === 'each' )
if ( !( context[ prop ] ) )
throw Error( "Unknown @each context: " + prop );
count = context[ prop ].length;
args = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < count; i++ )
args.push( [ context[ prop ][ i ] ] );
else if ( method )
throw Error( "Unknown test method: " + method );
// perform the appropriate number of tests
for ( var i = 0; i < count; i++ )
( setUp || null ),
name + ( ( count > 1 )
? ( ' (' + i + ')' )
: ''
args[ i ]
// output a newline and the count every 60 tests
( tcount % 60 ) || testPrint( " " + tcount + "\n" );
// only output statistics if we're not running a suite (otherwise they'll be
// output at the end of the suite)
if ( !( suite ) )
* Attempt a test
* @param {Object} test_case object containing all test cases
* @param {string} test complete key of test to run
* @param {Function} setUp test setup method, or null
* @param {string} test_str text to use on failure
* @param {Object} context context to bind to test function
* @param {Array} args arguments to pass to test function
* @return {undefined}
function tryTest( test_case, test, setUp, test_str, context, args )
var acount_last = acount;
// xUnit-style setup
if ( setUp )
setUp.call( context );
test_case[ test ].apply( context, args );
// if there were no assertions, then the test should be marked as
// incomplete
if ( acount_last === acount )
testPrint( 'I' );
testPrint( '.' );
catch ( e )
if ( e === SkipTest )
testPrint( 'S' );
testPrint( 'F' );
failures.push( [ test_str, e ] );
* Reset counters
function init()
failures = [];
scount = acount = icount = skpcount = 0;
* Display end stats (failures, counts)
function endStats()
testPrint( "\n" );
if ( tcount % 60 !== 0 )
testPrint( "\n" );
if ( failures.length )
outputTestFailures( failures );
// print test case summary
( ( failures.length ) ? "FAILED" : "OK" ) + " - " +
scount + " successful, " + failures.length + " failure(s), " +
( ( icount > 0 ) ? icount + ' incomplete, ' : '' ) +
( ( skpcount > 0 ) ? skpcount + ' skipped, ' : '' ) +
( scount + icount + skpcount + failures.length ) + " total " +
'(' + acount + " assertion" + ( ( acount !== 1 ) ? 's' : '' ) + ")\n"
// exit with non-zero status to indicate failure
&& typeof process !== 'undefined'
&& process.exit( 1 );
* Start test suite, deferring summary stats until call to endSuite()
module.exports.startSuite = function()
suite = true;
* Ens test suite, display stats buffered since startSuite()
module.exports.endSuite = function()
suite = false;
function getMock( proto )
var P = common_require( proto ),
Mock = function() {},
proto = Mock.prototype = new P()
for ( var i in proto )
// only mock out methods
if ( typeof proto[ i ] !== 'function' )
// clear the method
proto[ i ] = function() {};
return new Mock();
function skipTest()
throw SkipTest;
* Prepare assertion methods on context
* @return {Object} context
function prepareCaseContext()
return {
require: common_require,
fail: assert_wrapped.fail,
assertOk: assert_wrapped.ok,
assertEqual: assert_wrapped.equal,
assertNotEqual: assert_wrapped.notEqual,
assertDeepEqual: assert_wrapped.deepEqual,
assertStrictEqual: assert_wrapped.strictEqual,
assertNotStrictEqual: assert_wrapped.notStrictEqual,
assertThrows: assert_wrapped['throws'],
assertDoesNotThrow: assert_wrapped.doesNotThrow,
assertIfError: assert_wrapped.ifError,
incAssertCount: incAssertCount,
getMock: getMock,
skip: skipTest,
* Outputs test failures and their stack traces
* @param {Array} failures
* @return {undefined}
function outputTestFailures( failures )
var i, cur, name, e;
// if we don't have stdout access, throw an error containing each of the
// error strings
if ( typeof process === 'undefined' )
var err = '',
i = failures.length;
for ( var i in failures )
var failure = failures[ i ];
err += failure[ 0 ] +
' (' + ( failure[ 1 ].message || 'no message' ) + ')' +
( ( failure[ 1 ].stack )
? ( '<br />' +
failure[ 1 ].stack.replace( /\n/g, '<br />' ) +
'<br />'
: '; '
throw Error( err );
for ( var i = 0; i < failures.length; i++ )
cur = failures[ i ];
name = cur[ 0 ];
e = cur[ 1 ]; // ideally Error, but may not be
// output the name followed by the stack trace
'#' + i + ' ' + name + '\n'
+ ( e.stack || e ) + "\n\n"
* Outputs a string if stdout is available (node.js)
* @param {string} str string to output
* @return {undefined}
var testPrint = ( ( typeof process === 'undefined' )
|| ( typeof process.stdout === 'undefined' ) )
? function() {}
: function( str )
process.stdout.write( str );