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* Handles building members (properties, methods)
* Copyright (C) 2010 Mike Gerwitz
* This file is part of ease.js.
* ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @author Mike Gerwitz
* @package core
var util = require( __dirname + '/util' ),
fallback = util.definePropertyFallback(),
visibility = [ 'public', 'protected', 'private' ];
* Initializes member object
* The member object contains members for each level of visibility (public,
* protected and private).
* @param {Object} mpublic default public members
* @param {Object} mprotected default protected members
* @param {Object} mprivate default private members
* @return {{public: Object, protected: Object, private: Object}}
exports.initMembers = function( mpublic, mprotected, mprivate )
return {
'public': mpublic || {},
'protected': mprotected || {},
'private': mprivate || {},
* Copies a method to the appropriate member prototype, depending on
* visibility, and assigns necessary metadata from keywords
* @param {{public: Object, protected: Object, private: Object}} members
* @param {Object} meta metadata container
* @param {string} name property name
* @param {*} value property value
* @param {Object.<string,boolean>} keywords parsed keywords
* @param {Object=} instCallback function to call in order to retrieve
* object to bind 'this' keyword to
* @param {number} cid class id
* @return {undefined}
exports.buildMethod = function(
members, meta, name, value, keywords, instCallback, cid, base
// TODO: We can improve performance by not scanning each one individually
// every time this method is called
var prev_data = scanMembers( members, name, base ),
prev = ( prev_data ) ? prev_data.member : null,
dest = getMemberVisibility( members, keywords );
// ensure that the declaration is valid (keywords make sense, argument
// length, etc)
validateMethod( keywords, prev_data, value, name );
// we might be overriding an existing method
if ( prev )
// override the method
dest[ name ] = overrideMethod( prev, value, instCallback, cid );
else if ( keywords[ 'abstract' ] )
// we do not want to wrap abstract methods, since they are not callable
dest[ name ] = value;
// we are not overriding the method, so simply copy it over, wrapping it
// to ensure privileged calls will work properly
dest[ name ] = overrideMethod( value, null, instCallback, cid );
// store keywords for later reference (needed for pre-ES5 fallback)
dest[ name ].___$$keywords$$ = keywords;
* Validates a method declaration, ensuring that keywords are valid, overrides
* make sense, etc.
* @param {Object.<string,boolean>} keywords parsed keywords
* @param {Object} prev_data data of member being overridden, if available
* @param {*} value property value
* @param {string} name property name
function validateMethod( keywords, prev_data, value, name )
var prev = ( prev_data ) ? prev_data.member : null,
prev_keywords = ( prev && prev.___$$keywords$$ )
? prev.___$$keywords$$
: {}
if ( keywords[ 'abstract' ] )
// do not permit private abstract methods (doesn't make sense, since
// they cannot be inherited/overridden)
if ( keywords[ 'private' ] )
throw TypeError(
"Method '" + name + "' cannot be both private and abstract"
// abstract final also does not make sense
if ( keywords[ 'final' ] )
throw TypeError(
"Method '" + name + "' cannot be both abstract and final"
// const doesn't make sense for methods; they're always immutable
if ( keywords[ 'const' ] )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot declare method '" + name + "' as constant; keyword is " +
// search for any previous instances of this member
if ( prev )
// disallow overriding properties with methods
if ( !( prev instanceof Function ) )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot override property '" + name + "' with method"
// final methods cannot be overridden
if ( prev_keywords[ 'final' ] )
throw TypeError( "Cannot override final method '" + name + "'" );
// do not allow overriding concrete methods with abstract
if ( keywords[ 'abstract' ] && !( util.isAbstractMethod( prev ) ) )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot override concrete method '" + name + "' with " +
"abstract method"
// ensure parameter list is at least the length of its supertype
if ( ( value.__length || value.length )
< ( prev.__length || prev.length )
throw TypeError(
"Declaration of method '" + name + "' must be compatiable " +
"with that of its supertype"
// do not permit visibility de-escalation
if ( prev_data.visibility < getVisibilityValue( keywords ) )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot de-escalate visibility of method '" + name + "'"
* Copies a property to the appropriate member prototype, depending on
* visibility, and assigns necessary metadata from keywords
* @param {{public: Object, protected: Object, private: Object}} members
* @param {Object} meta metadata container
* @param {string} name property name
* @param {*} value property value
* @param {Object.<string,boolean>} keywords parsed keywords
* @param {Object=} base optional base object to scan
* @return {undefined}
exports.buildProp = function( members, meta, name, value, keywords, base )
// TODO: We can improve performance by not scanning each one individually
// every time this method is called
var prev_data = scanMembers( members, name, base ),
prev = ( prev_data ) ? prev_data.member : null;
// disallow overriding methods with properties
if ( prev instanceof Function )
throw new TypeError(
"Cannot override method '" + name + "' with property"
// do not permit visibility de-escalation
if ( prev && ( prev_data.visibility < getVisibilityValue( keywords ) ) )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot de-escalate visibility of property '" + name + "'"
// abstract properties do not make sense
if ( keywords[ 'abstract' ] )
throw TypeError(
"Property '" + name + "' cannot be declared as abstract"
// nor do final properties, because of late static binding (const should be
// used instead; read up on the rationale in the documentation)
if ( keywords[ 'final' ] )
throw TypeError(
"Property '" + name + "' cannot be declared as final; consider " +
if ( keywords[ 'static' ] && keywords[ 'const' ] )
throw TypeError(
"Static keyword cannot be used with const for property '" +
name + "'"
getMemberVisibility( members, keywords )[ name ] = [ value, keywords ];
* Copies a getter to the appropriate member prototype, depending on
* visibility, and assigns necessary metadata from keywords
* @param {{public: Object, protected: Object, private: Object}} members
* @param {Object} meta metadata container
* @param {string} name getter name
* @param {*} value getter value
* @param {Object.<string,boolean>} keywords parsed keywords
* @return {undefined}
exports.buildGetter = function( members, meta, name, value, keywords )
getMemberVisibility( members, keywords ),
get: value,
enumerable: true,
// otherwise we can't add a setter to this
configurable: true,
* Copies a setter to the appropriate member prototype, depending on
* visibility, and assigns necessary metadata from keywords
* @param {{public: Object, protected: Object, private: Object}} members
* @param {Object} meta metadata container
* @param {string} name setter name
* @param {*} value setter value
* @param {Object.<string,boolean>} keywords parsed keywords
* @return {undefined}
exports.buildSetter = function( members, meta, name, value, keywords )
getMemberVisibility( members, keywords ),
set: value,
enumerable: true,
// otherwise we can't add a getter to this
configurable: true,
* Returns member prototype to use for the requested visibility
* @param {{public: Object, protected: Object, private: Object}} members
* @param {Object.<string,boolean>} keywords parsed keywords
* @return {Object} reference to visibility of members argument to use
function getMemberVisibility( members, keywords )
var viserr = function()
throw TypeError(
"Only one of public, protected or private may be used"
// there's cleaner ways of doing this, but consider it loop unrolling for
// performance
if ( keywords[ 'private' ] )
( keywords[ 'public' ] || keywords[ 'protected' ] ) && viserr();
return members[ 'private' ];
else if ( keywords[ 'protected' ] )
( keywords[ 'public' ] || keywords[ 'private' ] ) && viserr();
return members[ 'protected' ];
// public keyword is the default, so explicitly specifying it is only
// for clarity
( keywords[ 'private' ] || keywords[ 'protected' ] ) && viserr();
return members[ 'public' ];
* Scan each level of visibility for the requested member
* @param {{public: Object, protected: Object, private: Object}} members
* @param {string} name member to locate
* @param {Object=} base optional base object to scan
* @return {Object} Array of member and number corresponding to visibility,
* level if located, otherwise an empty object
function scanMembers( members, name, base )
var i = visibility.length,
member = null;
// locate requested member by scanning each level of visibility
while ( i-- )
if ( member = members[ visibility[ i ] ][ name ] )
return {
member: member,
visibility: ( ( fallback ) ? 0 : i ),
// if a second comparison object was given, try again using it instead of
// the original members object
if ( base !== undefined )
var base_methods = base.___$$methods$$,
base_props = base.___$$props$$;
// scan the base's methods and properties, if they are available
return ( base_methods && scanMembers( base_methods, name ) )
|| ( base_props && scanMembers( base_props, name ) )
|| null
// nothing was found
return null;
* Generates a method override function
* The override function simply wraps the method so that its invocation will
* pass a __super property. This property may be used to invoke the overridden
* method.
* @param {function()} super_method method to override
* @param {function()} new_method method to override with
* @param {Object=} instCallback function to call in order to retrieve
* object to bind 'this' keyword to
* @param {number} cid class id
* @return {function()} override method
function overrideMethod( super_method, new_method, instCallback, cid )
instCallback = instCallback || function() {};
// return a function that permits referencing the super method via the
// __super property
var override = null;
// are we overriding?
if ( new_method )
override = function()
var context = instCallback( this, cid ) || this,
retval = undefined
// the _super property will contain the parent method (we don't
// store the previous value for performance reasons and because,
// during conventional use, it's completely unnecessary)
context.__super = super_method;
retval = new_method.apply( context, arguments );
// prevent sneaky bastards from breaking encapsulation by stealing
// method references (we set to undefined rather than deleting it
// because deletion causes performance degradation within V8)
context.__super = undefined;
// if the value returned from the method was the context that we
// passed in, return the actual instance (to ensure we do not break
// encapsulation)
if ( retval === context )
return this;
return retval;
// we are defining a new method
override = function()
var context = instCallback( this, cid ) || this,
retval = undefined
// invoke the method
retval = super_method.apply( context, arguments );
// if the value returned from the method was the context that we
// passed in, return the actual instance (to ensure we do not break
// encapsulation)
if ( retval === context )
return this;
return retval;
// This is a trick to work around the fact that we cannot set the length
// property of a function. Instead, we define our own property - __length.
// This will store the expected number of arguments from the super method.
// This way, when a method is being overridden, we can check to ensure its
// compatibility with its super method.
util.defineSecureProp( override,
( super_method.__length || super_method.length )
return override;
* Return the visibility level as a numeric value, where 0 is public and 2 is
* private
* @param {Object} keywords keywords to scan for visibility level
* @return {number} visibility level as a numeric value
function getVisibilityValue( keywords )
if ( fallback )
// if we have to fall back, we don't support levels of visibility
return 0;
else if ( keywords[ 'protected' ] )
return 1;
else if ( keywords[ 'private' ] )
return 2;
// default is public
return 0;