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* Tests basic trait definition
* Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU ease.js.
* ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require( 'common' ).testCase(
caseSetUp: function()
this.Sut = this.require( 'Trait' );
this.Class = this.require( 'class' );
this.Interface = this.require( 'interface' );
this.AbstractClass = this.require( 'class_abstract' );
this.hasGetSet = !(
this.require( 'util' ).definePropertyFallback()
// means of creating anonymous traits
this.ctor = [
// trait field name conflicts (methods)
this.fconflict = [
[ 'foo', "same name; no keywords",
{ foo: function() {} },
{ foo: function() {} },
[ 'foo', "same keywords; same visibility",
{ 'public foo': function() {} },
{ 'public foo': function() {} },
// should (at least for the time being) be picked up by existing
// class error checks; TODO: but let's provide trait-specific
// error messages to avoid frustration and infuriation
[ 'foo', "varying keywords; same visibility",
{ 'virtual public foo': function() {} },
{ 'public virtual foo': function() {} },
[ 'foo', "different visibility",
{ 'public foo': function() {} },
{ 'protected foo': function() {} },
this.base = [ this.Class ];
* We continue with the same concept used for class
* definitions---extending the Trait module itself will create an
* anonymous trait.
'@each(ctor) Can extend Trait to create anonymous trait': function( T )
this.assertOk( this.Sut.isTrait( T( {} ) ) );
* A trait can only be used by something else---it does not make sense
* to instantiate them directly, since they form an incomplete picture.
* Now, that said, see parameterized traits.
'@each(ctor) Cannot instantiate trait without error': function( T )
this.assertThrows( function()
T( {} )();
}, Error );
* One way that traits acquire meaning is by their use in creating
* classes. This also allows us to observe whether traits are actually
* working as intended without testing too closely to their
* implementation. This test simply ensures that the Class module will
* accept our traits.
* Classes consume traits as part of their definition using the `use'
* method. We should be able to then invoke the `extend' method to
* provide our own definition, without having to inherit from another
* class.
'@each(ctor) Base class definition is applied when using traits':
function( T )
var expected = 'bar';
var C = this.Class.use( T( {} ) ).extend(
foo: expected,
} );
this.assertOk( this.Class.isClass( C ) );
this.assertEqual( C().foo, expected );
* Traits contribute to the definition of the class that `use's them;
* therefore, it would stand to reason that we should still be able to
* inherit from a supertype while using traits.
'@each(ctor) Supertype definition is applied when using traits':
function( T )
var expected = 'bar',
expected2 = 'baz',
Foo = this.Class( { foo: expected } ),
SubFoo = this.Class.use( T( {} ) )
.extend( Foo, { bar: expected2 } );
var inst = SubFoo();
this.assertOk( this.Class.isA( Foo, inst ) );
this.assertEqual( inst.foo, expected, "Supertype failure" );
this.assertEqual( inst.bar, expected2, "Subtype failure" );
* The above tests have ensured that classes are still operable with
* traits; we can now test that traits are mixed into the class
* definition via `use' by asserting on the trait definitions.
'@each(ctor) Trait definition is mixed into base class definition':
function( T )
var called = false;
var Trait = T( { foo: function() { called = true; } } ),
inst = this.Class.use( Trait ).extend( {} )();
// if mixin was successful, then we should have the `foo' method.
this.assertDoesNotThrow( function()
}, Error, "Should have access to mixed in fields" );
// if our variable was not set, then it was a bs copy
this.assertOk( called, "Mixed in field copy error" );
* The above test should apply just the same to subtypes.
'@each(ctor) Trait definition is mixed into subtype definition':
function( T )
var called = false;
var Trait = T( { foo: function() { called = true; } } ),
Foo = this.Class( {} ),
inst = this.Class.use( Trait ).extend( Foo, {} )();
this.assertOk( called );
// At this point, we assume that each ctor method is working as expected
// (that is---the same); we will proceed to test only a single method of
// construction under that assumption.
* Traits cannot be instantiated, so they need not define __construct
* for themselves; however, they may wish to influence the construction
* of anything that uses them. This is poor practice, since that
* introduces a war between traits to take over the constructor;
* instead, the class using the traits should handle calling the methods
* on the traits and we should disallow traits from attempting to set
* the constructor.
'Traits cannot define __construct': function()
this.Sut( { __construct: function() {} } );
catch ( e )
this.assertOk( e.message.match( /\b__construct\b/ ) );
this.fail( false, true,
"Traits should not be able to define __construct"
* If two traits attempt to define the same field (by name, regardless
* of its type), then an error should be thrown to warn the developer of
* a problem; automatic resolution would be a fertile source of nasty
* and confusing bugs.
* TODO: conflict resolution through aliasing
'@each(fconflict) Cannot mix in multiple concrete methods of same name':
function( dfns )
var fname = dfns[ 0 ],
desc = dfns[ 1 ],
A = this.Sut( dfns[ 2 ] ),
B = this.Sut( dfns[ 3 ] );
// this, therefore, should error
this.Class.use( A, B ).extend( {} );
catch ( e )
// the assertion should contain the name of the field that
// caused the error
e.message.match( '\\b' + fname + '\\b' ),
"Error message missing field name: " + e.message
// TODO: we can also make less people hate us if we include the
// names of the conflicting traits; in the case of an anonymous
// trait, maybe include its index in the use list
this.fail( false, true, "Mixin must fail on conflict: " + desc );
* Traits in ease.js were designed in such a way that an object can be
* considered to be a type of any of the traits that its class mixes in;
* this is consistent with the concept of interfaces and provides a very
* simple and intuitive type system.
'A class is considered to be a type of each used trait': function()
var Ta = this.Sut( {} ),
Tb = this.Sut( {} ),
Tc = this.Sut( {} ),
o = this.Class.use( Ta, Tb ).extend( {} )();
// these two were mixed in
this.assertOk( this.Class.isA( Ta, o ) );
this.assertOk( this.Class.isA( Tb, o ) );
// this one was not
this.assertOk( this.Class.isA( Tc, o ) === false );
* Ensure that the named class staging object permits mixins.
'Can mix traits into named class': function()
var called = false,
T = this.Sut( { foo: function() { called = true; } } );
this.Class( 'Named' ).use( T ).extend( {} )().foo();
this.assertOk( called );
* When explicitly defining a class (that is, not mixing into an
* existing class definition), which involves the use of Class or
* AbstractClass, mixins must be terminated with a call to `extend'.
* This allows the system to make a final determination as to whether
* the resulting class is abstract.
* Contrast this with Type.use( T )( ... ), where Type is not the base
* class (Class) or AbstractClass.
'Explicit class definitions must be terminated by an extend call':
var _self = this,
Ta = this.Sut( { foo: function() {} } ),
Tb = this.Sut( { bar: function() {} } );
// does not complete with call to `extend'
this.assertThrows( function()
_self.Class.use( Ta )();
}, TypeError );
// nested uses; does not complete
this.assertThrows( function()
_self.Class.use( Ta ).use( Tb )();
}, TypeError );
// similar to above, with abstract; note that we're checking for
// TypeError here
this.assertThrows( function()
_self.AbstractClass.use( Ta )();
}, TypeError );
// does complete; OK
this.assertDoesNotThrow( function()
_self.Class.use( Ta ).extend( {} )();
_self.Class.use( Ta ).use( Tb ).extend( {} )();
} );
* Ensure that the staging object created by the `implement' call
* exposes a `use' method (and properly applies it).
'Can mix traits into class after implementing interface': function()
var _self = this,
called = false,
T = this.Sut( { foo: function() { called = true; } } ),
I = this.Interface( { bar: [] } ),
A = null;
// by declaring this abstract, we ensure that the interface was
// actually implemented (otherwise, all methods would be concrete,
// resulting in an error)
this.assertDoesNotThrow( function()
A = _self.AbstractClass.implement( I ).use( T ).extend( {} );
_self.assertOk( A.isAbstract() );
} );
// ensure that we actually fail if there's no interface implemented
// (and thus no abstract members); if we fail and the previous test
// succeeds, that implies that somehow the mixin is causing the
// class to become abstract, and that is an issue (and the reason
// for this seemingly redundant test)
this.assertThrows( function()
_self.Class.implement( I ).use( T ).extend( {} );
} );
A.extend( { bar: function() {} } )().foo();
this.assertOk( called );
* When a trait is mixed into a class, it acts as though it is part of
* that class. Therefore, it should stand to reason that, when a mixed
* in method returns `this', it should actually return the instance of
* the class that it is mixed into (in the case of this test, its
* private member object, since that's our context when invoking the
* trait method).
'Trait method that returns self will return containing class':
var _self = this,
T = this.Sut( { foo: function() { return this; } } );
this.Class.use( T ).extend(
go: function()
_self.assertStrictEqual( this, this.foo() );
} )().go();
* Support for static members will be added in future versions; this is
* not something that the author wanted to rush for the first trait
* release, as static members have their own odd quirks.
'Trait static members are prohibited': function()
var Sut = this.Sut;
// property
this.assertThrows( function()
Sut( { 'static private foo': 'prop' } );
} );
// method
this.assertThrows( function()
Sut( { 'static foo': function() {} } );
} );
* For the same reasons as static members (described immediately above),
* getters/setters are unsupported until future versions.
* Note that we use defineProperty instead of the short-hand object
* literal notation to avoid syntax errors in pre-ES5 environments.
'Trait getters and setters are prohibited': function()
// perform these tests only when getters/setters are supported by
// our environment
if ( !( this.hasGetSet ) )
var Sut = this.Sut;
this.assertThrows( function()
var dfn = {};
Object.defineProperty( dfn, 'foo',
get: function() {},
set: function() {},
enumerable: true,
} );
Sut( dfn );
} );
* The stating object rendered by `#use` calls implement the same
* methods as classes, and are even treated as classes when invoked
* using the immediate syntax (see ImmediateTest). When defining
* abstract classes, staging objects may be extended as if they were
* classes (see AbstractTest).
* It makes sense for staging objects to be able to be treated as if
* they were classes, which demands reflection API consistency.
'Staging object for eventual mixin is considered to be class': function()
var T = this.Sut( {} );
this.Class.isClass( this.Class( {} ).use( T ) )
} );