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<h1>ease<span class="suffix">js</span></h1>
<h2 class="desc">Classical Object-Oriented Framework</h2>
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<li class="selected"><a href="/">About</a></li>
<li><a href="manual.html">Manual (Single Page)</a></li>
<li><a href="manual/">Manual (Split)</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/mikegerwitz/easejs">Source Code</a></li>
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<strong>Please enable JavaScript to take advantage of the interactive
features of this website. Don't worry - it's all
<a href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html">free software</a>.
You can find the source code to this website via the source code link
above within the 'website' branch.
ease.js is a Classical Object-Oriented framework for JavaScript,
intended to &ldquo;ease&rdquo; the transition into JavaScript from other
Object-Oriented languages. Features include:
<li>Simple and intuitive class definitions</li>
<li>Classical inheritance</li>
<li>Abstract classes and methods</li>
<li>Access modifiers (public, protected and private)</li>
<li>Static and constant members</li>
ease.js is a framework, not a compiler. It may be used wherever
JavaScript may be used, including with other compilers/parsers. ease.js
also provides support for older, pre-ES5 environments by gracefully
degrading features (such as visibility support), but remaining
functionally consistent. Therefore, code written using ease.js should
operate exactly the same in Internet Explorer 5.5 as it does in any
modern web browser.
<strong>This project is under heavy development.</strong> However, the
<tt>master</tt> branch is always guaranteed to be in a working, stable
state. It is currently in use within a production system at the author's
place of employment. Feel free to use ease.js in your own projects.
<p class="copyright">
Copyright &copy; 2011 <a href="http://mikegerwitz.com">Mike Gerwitz</a>
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