Fork 0

190 lines
4.8 KiB

* Determines dependency order
* This script will determine the order in which files must be concatenated in
* order to run properly. Dependencies must be added before the file that
* depends on them.
* Circular dependencies are not supported, nor should they be.
* Copyright (C) 2011 Mike Gerwitz
* This file is part of ease.js.
* ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @author Mike Gerwitz
// files and their dependencies are expected from stdin in the following format,
// one relationship per line:
// file dep
getStdinData( function( data )
var ordered = [],
deps = parseLines( data ),
current = ''
// Continue the ordering process until there are no more files remaining.
// This is necessary because not all files may be a dependency of another.
// There may be groups of completely unrelated files.
while ( current = Object.keys( deps )[0] )
orderDeps( deps, current, ordered );
outputFiles( ordered );
} );
* Output each file, one per line
* @param {Array.<string>} files files to output
* @return {undefined}
function outputFiles( files )
files.forEach( function( file )
console.log( file );
} );
* Recursively order dependencies for each file
* For each file (current var), loop through each of its dependencies. Before
* adding itself to the list, it will recurse and loop through the dependency's
* dependencies. This process will continue until no more dependencies are
* found or found dependencies have already been parsed. This will result in the
* file being added to the list after each of its dependencies, recursively. It
* may be easier just to read the actual code.
* Circular dependencies are not supported, but they are detected and will
* cause termination of the script with a non-zero exit code.
* @param {Object} deps dependency list
* @param {string} current file to parse
* @param {Array} ordered destination array
* @return {Array} ordered array
var orderDeps = ( function()
var processed = {},
processing = {};
return function orderDeps( deps, current, ordered )
// if we've already processed this dependency, don't do it again
if ( processed[ current ] )
// prevent infinite recursion that would be caused by circular
// dependencies
if ( processing[ current ] )
console.error( "Circular dependency detected: %s", current );
process.exit( 1 );
processing[ current ] = true;
// process each dependency for this file
( deps[ current ] || [] ).forEach( function( dep )
// first, insert dependencies of our dependency
orderDeps( deps, dep, ordered );
} );
// add self /after/ dependencies have been added
ordered.push( current );
processed[ current ] = true;
// ensure we don't parse it again
delete deps[ current ];
delete processing[ current ];
return ordered;
} )();
* Parse each line into a dependency list for each file
* @param {string} data string data to parse
* @return {Object.<Array.<string>>} dependency list for each file
function parseLines( data )
var lines = data.split( '\n' ),
deps = {};
lines.forEach( function( line )
// skip blank lines
if ( !line )
var dep_info = line.split( ' ' ),
file = dep_info[ 0 ],
dep = dep_info[ 1 ]
deps[ file ] = deps[ file ] || [];
deps[ file ].push( dep );
} );
return deps;
* Asynchronously retrieve data from stdin
* @param {function(Object)} callback to call with data
* @return {string} data from stdin
function getStdinData( callback )
var data = '';
process.stdin.setEncoding( 'ascii' );
.on( 'data', function( chunk )
data += chunk;
} )
.on( 'end', function()
callback( data );
} )