
GNU ease.js can be downloaded in a variety of formats, depending on the environment in which it will be used. Releases are always stable and production-ready.

The tarball contains the full source code, combined files for debugging GNU ease.js itself, combined files for development using GNU ease.js, minified files for production, and scripts needed to rebuild. The production and development links contain the JavaScript files needed to run GNU ease.js, the latter being unminified to allow easily stepping through the code with a debugger.

You should verify the above files using their associated signatures to ensure that they have not been altered. This can be done by placing both files in the same directory and running the command:

$ gpg --verify file.sig

where file is the full filename, such as easejs-latest.tar.gz. If you do not have the public signing key, you may download it by running this command:

$ gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 8EE30EAB


ease.js is available via npm for use with Node.js. Please be warned that package signature checks are not performed by npm.

$ npm install easejs


See Chapter 1 of the manual for more information on downloading and integrating ease.js into your own projects.

Release Notes

Below are the release notes for the current release of GNU ease.js. Historical release notes are also available. GPG signatures for each of the releases and their respective notes can be found in their respective tags in the Git repository.