/** * Tests class member visibility (public, private, protected) * * Copyright (C) 2010 Mike Gerwitz * * This file is part of ease.js. * * ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * @author Mike Gerwitz * @package test */ var common = require( './common' ), assert = require( 'assert' ), Class = common.require( 'class' ), Interface = common.require( 'interface' ), propobj = common.require( 'propobj' ), pub = 'foo', prot = 'bar', priv = 'baz', pubf = function() { return pub; }, protf = function() { return prot; }, privf = function() { return priv; }, // new anonymous class instance Foo = Class.extend( { 'public pub': pub, 'protected peeps': prot, 'private parts': priv, 'public pubf': pubf, 'protected protf': protf, 'private privf': privf, 'virtual public getProp': function( name ) { // return property, allowing us to break encapsulation for // protected/private properties (for testing purposes) return this[ name ]; }, /** * Does the same as the above, but we won't override this one */ 'public nonOverrideGetProp': function( name ) { return this[ name ]; }, /** * Allows us to set a value from within the class */ 'public setValue': function( name, value ) { this[ name ] = value; }, 'public getSelf': function() { return this; }, 'virtual public getSelfOverride': function() { // override me }, 'public getPrivProp': function() { return this.parts; }, 'public invokePriv': function() { return this._priv(); }, 'private _priv': function() { return priv; }, }), // instance of Foo foo = Foo(), // subtype SubFoo = Foo.extend({ 'private _pfoo': 'baz', 'public getSelfOverride': function() { // return this from overridden method return this; }, /** * We have to override this so that 'this' is not bound to the supertype */ 'public getProp': function( name ) { // return property, allowing us to break encapsulation for // protected/private properties (for testing purposes) return this[ name ]; }, 'private myOwnPrivateFoo': function() {}, }), sub_foo = SubFoo(), sub_sub_foo = SubFoo.extend( {} )() ; /** * Public members are the only members added to the instance's prototype to be * accessible externally */ ( function testPublicMembersAreAccessbileExternally() { assert.equal( foo.pub, pub, "Public properties are accessible via public interface" ); assert.equal( foo.pubf(), pub, "Public methods are accessible via public interface" ); } )(); /** * For reasons that are discussed in the next test (writing to public * properties), we need to make sure public members are available internally. * Actually, we don't need to test public methods, really, but it's in there for * good measure. Who knows what bugs may be introduced in the future. * * This ensures that the getter is properly proxying the value to us. */ ( function testPublicMembersAreAccessibleInternally() { assert.equal( foo.getProp( 'pub' ), pub, "Public properties are accessible internally" ); assert.equal( foo.getProp( 'pubf' )(), pub, "Public methods are accessible internally" ); } )(); /** * This may sound like an odd test, but it's actually very important. Due to how * private/protected members are implemented, it compromises public members. In * fact, public members would not work internally without what is essentially a * proxy via setters. * * This test is to ensure that the setter is properly forwarding writes to the * object within the prototype chain containing the public values. Otherwise, * setting the value would simply mask it in the prototype chain. The value * would appear to have changed internally, but when accessed externally, the * value would still be the same. That would obviously be a problem ;) */ ( function testPublicPropertiesAreWritableInternally() { var val = 'moomookittypoo'; // start by setting the value foo.setValue( 'pub', val ); // we should see that change internally... assert.equal( foo.getProp( 'pub' ), val, "Setting the value of a public property internally should be " + "observable /internally/" ); // ...as well as externally assert.equal( foo.pub, val, "Setting the value of a public property internally should be " + "observable /externally/" ); } )(); ( function testProtectedAndPrivateMembersAreNotAccessibleExternally() { // browsers that do not support the property proxy will not support // encapsulating properties if ( !( propobj.supportsPropProxy() ) ) { return; } assert.equal( foo.peeps, undefined, "Protected properties are inaccessible via public interface" ); assert.equal( foo.parts, undefined, "Private properties are inaccessible via public interface" ); assert.equal( foo.protf, undefined, "Protected methods are inaccessible via public interface" ); assert.equal( foo.privf, undefined, "Private methods are inaccessible via public interface" ); } )(); /** * Protected members should be accessible from within class methods */ ( function testProtectedMembersAreAccessibleInternally() { assert.equal( foo.getProp( 'peeps' ), prot, "Protected properties are available internally" ); // invoke rather than checking for equality, because the method may be // wrapped assert.equal( foo.getProp( 'protf' )(), prot, "Protected methods are available internally" ); } )(); /** * Private members should be accessible from within class methods */ ( function testPrivateMembersAreAccessibleInternally() { assert.equal( foo.getProp( 'parts' ), priv, "Private properties are available internally" ); // invoke rather than checking for equality, because the method may be // wrapped assert.equal( foo.getProp( 'privf' )(), priv, "Private methods are available internally" ); } )(); /** * Inheritance 101; protected members should be available to subtypes */ ( function testProtectedMembersAreInheritedFromParent() { assert.equal( sub_foo.getProp( 'peeps' ), prot, "Protected properties are available to subtypes" ); // invoke rather than checking for equality, because the method may be // wrapped assert.equal( sub_foo.getProp( 'protf' )(), prot, "Protected methods are available to subtypes" ); } )(); /** * Interface 101-2: We do not want private members to be available to subtypes. */ ( function testPrivateMembersOfSupertypesAreInaccessibleToSubtypes() { // browsers that do not support the property proxy will not support // encapsulating properties if ( !( propobj.supportsPropProxy() ) ) { return; } assert.equal( sub_foo.getProp( 'parts' ), undefined, "Private properties of supertypes should be unavailable to subtypes" ); // invoke rather than checking for equality, because the method may be // wrapped assert.equal( sub_foo.getProp( 'privf' ), undefined, "Private methods of supertypes should be unavailable to subtypes" ); } )(); /** * For good measure, let's make sure we didn't screw anything up. To ensure that * the same object isn't being passed around to subtypes, ensure that multiple * class instances do not share prototypes. */ ( function testProtectedMembersAreNotSharedBetweenClassInstances() { var val = 'foobar'; foo.setValue( 'prot', val ); // ensure that class instances do not share values (ensuring the same object // isn't somehow being passed around) assert.notEqual( sub_foo.getProp( 'prot' ), val, "Class instances do not share protected values (subtype)" ); // do the same for multiple instances of the same type var sub_foo2 = SubFoo(); sub_foo2.setValue( 'prot', val ); assert.notEqual( sub_foo.getProp( 'prot' ), val, "Class instances do not share protected values (same type)" ); } )(); /** * When a method is called, 'this' is bound to the property object containing * private and protected members. Returning 'this' would therefore be a very bad * thing. Not only would it break encapsulation, but it would likely have other * problems down the road. * * Therefore, we have to check the return value of the method. If the return * value is the property object that it was bound to, we need to replace the * return value with the actual class instance. This allows us to transparently * enforce encapsulation. How sweet is that? */ ( function testReturningSelfFromMethodShouldReturnInstanceNotPropObj() { assert.deepEqual( foo.getSelf(), foo, "Returning 'this' from a method should return instance of self" ); // what happens in the case of inheritance? assert.deepEqual( sub_foo.getSelf(), sub_foo, "Returning 'this' from a super method should return the subtype" ); // finally, overridden methods should still return the instance assert.deepEqual( sub_foo.getSelfOverride(), sub_foo, "Returning 'this' from a overridden method should return the subtype" ); } )(); /** * This one's a particularly nasty bug that snuck up on me. Private members * should not be accessible to subtypes; that's a given. However, they need to * be accessible to the parent methods. For example, let's say class Foo * contains public method bar(), which invokes private method _baz(). This is * perfectly legal. Then SubFoo extends Foo, but does not override method bar(). * Invoking method bar() should still be able to invoke private method _baz(), * because, from the perspective of the parent class, that operation is * perfectly legal. * * The resolution of this bug required a slight system redesign. The short-term * fix was to declare any needed private members are protected, so that they * were accessible by the subtype. */ ( function testParentMethodsCanAccessPrivateMembersOfParent() { // properties assert.equal( sub_foo.getPrivProp(), priv, "Parent methods should have access to the private properties of the " + "parent" ); // methods assert.equal( sub_foo.invokePriv(), priv, "Parent methods should have access to the private methods of the parent" ); // should apply to super-supertypes too assert.equal( sub_sub_foo.getPrivProp(), priv, "Parent methods should have access to the private properties of the " + "parent (2)" ); assert.equal( sub_sub_foo.invokePriv(), priv, "Parent methods should have access to the private methods of the " + "parent (2)" ); } )(); /** * When a parent method is invoked, the parent should not be given access to the * private members of the invoking subtype. Why? * * This is not a matter of whether or not this is possible to do. In fact it's * relatively simple to implement. The issue is whether or not it makes sense. * Consider a compiled language. Let's say Foo and SubFoo (as defined in this * test case) were written in C++. Should Foo have access to a private property * on SubFoo when it is overridden? * * No - that doesn't make sense. The private member is not a member of Foo and * therefore Foo would fail to even compile. Alright, but we don't have such a * restriction in our case. So why not implement it? * * Proponents of such an implementation are likely thinking of the act of * inheriting methods as a copy/paste type of scenario. If we inherit public * method baz(), and it were a copy/paste type of situation, then surely baz() * would have access to all of SubFoo's private members. But that is not the * case. Should baz() be defined as a member of Foo, then its scope is * restricted to Foo and its supertypes. That is not how OO works. It is /not/ * copy/paste. It is inheriting functionality. */ ( function testParentsShouldNotHaveAccessToPrivateMembersOfSubtypes() { // browsers that do not support the property proxy will not support // encapsulating properties if ( !( propobj.supportsPropProxy() ) ) { return; } // property assert.equal( sub_foo.nonOverrideGetProp( '_pfoo' ), undefined, "Parent should not have access to private properties of subtype when " + "a parent method is invoked" ); // member assert.equal( sub_foo.nonOverrideGetProp( '_myOwnPrivateFoo' ), undefined, "Parent should not have access to private methods of subtype when " + "a parent method is invoked" ); } )(); /** * Visibility escalation (protected -> private) should be permitted */ ( function testCanEscalateMemberVisibility() { // escalate assert.doesNotThrow( function() { Class( { 'protected foo': 'bar', 'virtual protected baz': function() {}, } ).extend( { 'public foo': 'bar', 'public baz': function() {}, } ); }, Error, "Can escalate visibility of subtype members" ); // same level of visibility assert.doesNotThrow( function() { Class( { 'protected foo': 'bar', 'virtual protected baz': function() {}, } ).extend( { 'protected foo': 'bar', 'protected baz': function() {}, } ); }, Error, "Can retain level of visibility for subtype members" ); } )(); /** * We should /not/ be able to de-escalate member visibility * (public -> {protected,private} */ ( function testCannotDeescalateMemberVisibility() { // public -> protected assert.throws( function() { Class( { 'public foo': 'bar', } ).extend( { 'protected foo': 'bar', } ); }, Error, "Cannot de-escalate visibility of subtype props to protected" ); assert.throws( function() { Class( { 'virtual public baz': function() {}, } ).extend( { 'protected baz': function() {}, } ); }, Error, "Cannot de-escalate visibility of subtype methods to protected" ); // public -> private assert.throws( function() { Class( { 'public foo': 'bar', } ).extend( { 'private foo': 'bar', } ); }, Error, "Cannot de-escalate visibility of subtype props to private" ); assert.throws( function() { Class( { 'virtual public baz': function() {}, } ).extend( { 'private baz': function() {}, } ); }, Error, "Cannot de-escalate visibility of subtype methods to private" ); // protected -> private assert.throws( function() { Class( { 'protected foo': 'bar', } ).extend( { 'private foo': 'bar', } ); }, Error, "Cannot de-escalate visibility of subtype props to private2" ); assert.throws( function() { Class( { 'virtual protected baz': function() {}, } ).extend( { 'private baz': function() {}, } ); }, Error, "Cannot de-escalate visibility of subtype methods to private2" ); } )(); /** * With the visibility implementation, it's possible that __super() will not * work properly with protected methods. This is because of the override lookup * process (which hopefully was fixed in the commit before this test was * originally introduced: ce736bea). */ ( function testCallingSuperMethodWorksProperlyWithProtectedMethods() { var val = 'foobar', result = Class( { 'virtual protected foo': function() { return val; }, } ).extend( { // we override to public just so we can call it externally 'public foo': function() { return this.__super(); }, } )().foo(); assert.equal( result, val, "__super() calls work with protected overrides" ); } )(); /** * Concrete implementations of interfaces should have to follow the same * visibility de-escalation rules as defined in the above tests (otherwise, that * defeats the purpose of an interface). In other words, they must be public. */ ( function testVisibilityDeescalationRulesApplyToInterfaces() { assert.throws( function() { Class.implement( Interface( { 'abstract public foo': [] } ) ).extend( { // should throw an exception; visibility de-escalation 'protected foo': function() {}, } ); }, Error, "Cannot de-escalate visibility for interface members" ); } )(); /** * Due to the way the property object is laid atop of the public members, we * need to ensure that protected methods' functionality can /actually/ be * overridden, since the protected method is higher in the prototype chain and * therefore will be accessed before the public method. * * We don't care about private -> protected, because that's not possible through * inheritance. */ ( function testCanOverrideProtectedMethodFunctionalityWithPublic() { // get the result of invoking overridden foo() var result = Class( { 'virtual protected foo': function() { return false; }, } ).extend( { // override and escalate visibility of method foo() 'public foo': function() { return true; }, } )().foo(); // if the override was successful, we'll be able to invoke the overridden // method assert.equal( result, true, "Can properly override protected methods with public" ); } )(); /** * There was an issue where the private property object was not proxying values * to the true protected values. This would mean that when the parent * initialized protected values, those values would be unavailable to the * subtype. Instead, the value available to the subtype was the value that was * assigned as the default value in the class definition. */ ( function testProtectedValuesAreAvailableToSubtypesWhenSetByParentMethod() { var expected = 5, result = Class( { 'protected val': 0, 'public __construct': function() { this.val = expected; }, } ).extend( { 'public getVal': function() { return this.val; }, } )().getVal(); assert.equal( result, expected, "Subtypes should have acess to protected properties values set by " + "super methods" ); } )(); /** * There was a bug introduced when we prevented protected members from * overriding public (since in the prototype chain, protected members are laid * atop public, and this cannot change). This bug would disallow protected * members from being overridden by other protected members. * * This test is both a proof and a regression test. */ ( function testCanProperlyOverrideProtectedWithProtected() { var val = 'foobar', result = Class( { 'virtual protected foo': function() {}, } ).extend( { // provide concrete implementation 'protected foo': function() { return val; }, 'public doFoo': function() { return this.foo(); }, } )().doFoo(); ; // if everything worked as expected, the value of 'val' will have been // returned and stored in 'result' assert.equal( result, val, "Protected methods can properly be overriden by another protected " + "method" ); } )();