/** * Tests util.propParse keyword parsing * * Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2013 Mike Gerwitz * * This file is part of GNU ease.js. * * ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ var common = require( './common' ), assert = require( 'assert' ), util = common.require( 'util' ) ; ( function testAbstractKeywordDesignatesMethodAsAbstract() { var data = { 'abstract foo': [], }, abstract_methods = [], parse_data = {} ; util.propParse( data, { method: function ( name, func, is_abstract ) { if ( is_abstract ) { abstract_methods.push( name ); parse_data[ name ] = func; } }, } ); assert.ok( ( ( abstract_methods.length === 1 ) && ( abstract_methods[ 0 ] === 'foo' ) ), "Methods with 'abstract' keyword recognized as abstract" ); } )(); ( function testCustomPropertyKeywordParsersAreSupported() { var data2 = { foo: [], }, map = { foo: { 'abstract': true }, }, suffix = 'poo', abstract_methods_2 = [] ; util.propParse( data2, { keywordParser: function ( prop ) { return { name: ( prop + suffix ), keywords: map[ prop ], }; }, method: function ( name, func, is_abstract ) { if ( is_abstract ) { abstract_methods_2.push( name ); } }, } ); assert.ok( ( abstract_methods_2[ 0 ] === ( 'foo' + suffix ) ), "Can provide custom property keyword parser" ); } )(); ( function testKeywordParserToleratesBogusResponses() { assert.doesNotThrow( function() { var junk = { foo: 'bar' }; util.propParse( junk, { keywordParser: function ( prop ) { // return nothing } } ); util.propParse( junk, { keywordParser: function ( prop ) { // return bogus name and keywords return { name: [], keywords: 'slefwef' }; } } ); }, Error, "Custom keyword parser tolerates bogus response" ); } )(); ( function testParserReturnsKeywords() { var data = { 'public foo': '', 'const foo2': '', 'public private const foo3': '', 'public static virtual method': function() {}, // tricky tricky (lots of spaces) 'public const spaces': function() {}, }, parsed_keywords = {}, expected = { foo: { 'public': true }, foo2: { 'const': true }, foo3: { 'public': true, 'private': true, 'const': true }, method: { 'public': true, 'static': true, 'virtual': true }, spaces: { 'public': true, 'const': true }, } ; util.propParse( data, { property: function( name, value, keywords ) { parsed_keywords[ name ] = keywords; }, method: function( name, func, is_abstract, keywords ) { parsed_keywords[ name ] = keywords; }, } ); for ( var prop in parsed_keywords ) { assert.deepEqual( parsed_keywords[ prop ], expected[ prop ], "Keywords are properly recognized and made available for " + "interpretation (" + prop + ")" ); } // for browsers that support it if ( util.definePropertyFallback() === false ) { data = {}; parsed_keywords = {}; // to prevent syntax errors for environments that don't support // getters/setters in object notation Object.defineProperty( data, 'public foo', { get: function() {}, set: function() {}, enumerable: true, } ); util.propParse( data, { getset: function( name, get, set, keywords ) { get && ( parsed_keywords[ name + 'g' ] = keywords ); set && ( parsed_keywords[ name + 's' ] = keywords ); }, } ); assert.deepEqual( parsed_keywords.foog, { 'public': true }, "Getter keywords are properly recognized and available" ); assert.deepEqual( parsed_keywords.foos, { 'public': true }, "Setter keywords are properly recognized and available" ); } } )();