/** * Contains utilities functions shared by modules * * Copyright (C) 2010 Mike Gerwitz * * This file is part of ease.js. * * ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * @author Mike Gerwitz * @package core */ /** * Whether getters/setters are supported * @var {boolean} */ var getset = ( Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ === undefined ) ? false : true ; /** * Freezes an object if freezing is supported * * @param {Object} obj object to freeze * * @return {Object} object passed to function */ exports.freeze = function( obj ) { // if freezing is not supported (ES5), do nothing if ( Object.freeze === undefined ) { return; } Object.freeze( obj ); return obj; } /** * Attempts to define a non-enumerable, non-writable and non-configurable * property on the given object * * If the operation is unsupported, a normal property will be set. * * @param {Object} obj object to set property on * @param {string} prop name of property to set * @param {mixed} value value to set * * @return {undefined} */ exports.defineSecureProp = function( obj, prop, value ) { if ( Object.defineProperty === undefined ) { func[ prop ] = value; } else { Object.defineProperty( obj, prop, { value: value, enumerable: false, writable: false, configurable: false, }); } } /** * Clones an object * * @param {Object} data object to clone * * @return {Object} cloned object */ exports.clone = function( data ) { if ( data instanceof Array ) { // return a copy of the array return data.slice( 0 ); } else if ( data instanceof Object ) { var newobj = {}; // copy data to the new object for ( prop in data ) { if ( data.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) { newobj[ prop ] = data[ prop ]; } } return newobj; } // primitive type; cloning unnecessary return data; }; /** * Parses object properties to determine how they should be interpreted in an * Object Oriented manner * * @param {Object} data properties with names as the key * @param {Object} options parser options and callbacks * * @return undefined */ exports.propParse = function( data, options ) { var fvoid = function() {}, callback_each = options.each || undefined, callback_prop = options.property || fvoid, callback_method = options.method || fvoid, callback_getter = options.getter || fvoid, callback_setter = options.setter || fvoid; // for each of the given properties, determine what type of property we're // dealing with (in the classic OO sense) for ( prop in data ) { // ignore properties of instance prototypes if ( !( data.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) ) { continue; } var value = data[ prop ], getter = ( ( getset ) ? data.__lookupGetter__( prop ) : null ), setter = ( ( getset ) ? data.__lookupSetter__( prop ) : null ); // if an 'each' callback was provided, pass the data before parsing it if ( callback_each ) { callback_each.call( callback_each, prop, value ); } // getter/setter if ( getter || setter ) { callback_getter.call( callback_getter, prop, getter ); callback_setter.call( callback_setter, prop, setter ); // we're done continue; } // method else if ( value instanceof Function ) { callback_method.call( callback_method, prop, value, exports.isAbstractMethod( value ) ); } // simple property else { callback_prop.call( callback_prop, prop, value ); } } } /** * Copies properties to the destination object * * If the method already exists, it will be overridden and accessible via either * the parent prototype or by invoking this.__super(). * * The destination object is directly modified. * * The result data will be populated with information from the copy that may be * useful to the creation of the class (e.g. list of the abstract methods). * * @param {Object} props properties to copy * @param {Object} dest destination object * @param {Object} result_data object to store data regarding the copy in * * @return undefined */ exports.propCopy = function( props, dest, result_data, actions ) { result_data = result_data || {}; actions = actions || {}; // initialize result_data var abstract_methods = result_data.abstractMethods = result_data.abstractMethods || []; // it's much faster to lookup a hash than it is to iterate through an entire // array each time we need to find an existing abstract method var abstract_map = {}, abstract_regen = false; for ( var i = 0, len = abstract_methods.length; i < len; i++ ) { var method = abstract_methods[ i ]; abstract_map[ method ] = i; } var use_or = function( use, or ) { if ( use instanceof Function ) { // allow the override to invoke the default implementation use.performDefault = or; return use; } // use the default return or; }; // substitute default functionality if needed actions = { each: use_or( actions.each, function( name, value ) { // methods can only be overridden with methods if ( ( dest[ name ] instanceof Function ) && ( !( value instanceof Function ) ) ) { throw new TypeError( "Cannot override method with non-method" ); } } ), property: use_or( actions.property, function( name, value ) { dest[ name ] = value; } ), getter: use_or( actions.getter, function( name, func ) { dest.__defineGetter__( name, func ); } ), setter: use_or( actions.setter, function( name, func ) { dest.__defineSetter__( name, func ); } ), method: use_or( actions.method, function( name, func, is_abstract ) { var data = { abstractModified: false }, pre = dest[ name ]; // check for override if ( pre !== undefined ) { if ( pre instanceof Function ) { dest[ name ] = method_override( pre, func, name, abstract_map, abstract_methods, data ); } else { throw new TypeError( "Cannot override property '" + name + "' with method" ); } if ( data.abstractModified ) { abstract_regen = true; } } else { // simply copy over the method dest[ name ] = func; if ( is_abstract ) { abstract_methods.push( name ); } } } ), }; exports.propParse( props, actions ); // should we regenerate the array of abstract methods? (this must be done // because the length of the array remains the same after deleting elements) if ( abstract_regen ) { result_data.abstractMethods = array_shrink( abstract_methods ); } } /** * Creates an abstract method * * Abstract methods must be implemented by a subclass and cannot be called * directly. If a class contains a single abstract method, the class itself is * considered to be abstract and cannot be instantiated. It may only be * extended. * * @param {...string} definition function definition that concrete * implementations must follow * * @return {Function} */ exports.createAbstractMethod = function() { var definition = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments ); var method = function() { throw new Error( "Cannot call abstract method" ); }; exports.defineSecureProp( method, 'abstractFlag', true ); exports.defineSecureProp( method, 'definition', definition ); return method; } /** * Determines if the given function is an abstract method * * @param {Function} function function to inspect * * @return {boolean} true if function is an abstract method, otherwise false */ exports.isAbstractMethod = function( func ) { return ( ( func instanceof Function ) && ( func.abstractFlag === true ) ) ? true : false ; } /** * Overrides a method * * The given method must be a function or an exception will be thrown. * * @param {Function} super_method method to override * @param {Function} new_method method to override with * @param {string} name method name * @param {Object} abstract_map lookup table for abstract methods * @param {Array} abstract_methods list of abstract methods * @param {Object} data object in which to store result data * * @return {Function} overridden method */ function method_override( super_method, new_method, name, abstract_map, abstract_methods, data ) { if ( abstract_map[ name ] !== undefined ) { var is_abstract = exports.isAbstractMethod( new_method ); if ( super_method.definition instanceof Array ) { var arg_len = ( is_abstract ) ? new_method.definition.length : new_method.length; // ensure the concrete definition is compatible with // that of its supertype if ( arg_len < super_method.definition.length ) { throw new TypeError( "Declaration of " + name + " must be compatiable " + "with that of its supertype" ); } } // if this was a concrete method, then it should no longer be marked as // abstract if ( is_abstract === false ) { delete abstract_methods[ abstract_map[ name ] ]; data.abstractModified = true; } } // this is the method that will be invoked when the requested // method is called, so note that in the context of this // function, `this` will represent the current class instance return function() { var tmp = this.__super; // assign _super temporarily for the method invocation so // that the method can call the parent method this.__super = super_method; var retval = new_method.apply( this, arguments ); this.__super = tmp; return retval; } } /** * Shrinks an array, removing undefined elements * * Pushes all items onto a new array, removing undefined elements. This ensures * that the length of the array represents correctly the number of elements in * the array. * * @param {Array} items array to shrink * * @return {Array} shrunken array */ function array_shrink( items ) { // copy the methods into a new array by pushing them onto it, to ensure // the length property of the array will work properly var arr_new = []; for ( var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++ ) { var item = items[ i ]; if ( item === undefined ) { continue; } arr_new.push( item ); } return arr_new; }