/** * Tests method sut * * Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GNU ease.js. * * ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ require( 'common' ).testCase( { caseSetUp: function() { // common assertions between a couple of proxy tests this.proxyErrorAssertCommon = function( e, prop, method ) { this.assertOk( e.message.search( 'Unable to proxy' ) > -1, "Unexpected error received: " + e.message ); this.assertOk( ( ( e.message.search( prop ) > -1 ) && ( e.message.search( method ) > -1 ) ), "Error should contain property and method names" ); }; }, setUp: function() { this._sut = this.require( 'MethodWrappers' ); }, /** * The wrappers accept a function that should return the instance to be * bound to 'this' when invoking a method. This has some important * consequences, such as the ability to implement protected/private members. */ 'Method invocation binds `this` to passed instance': function() { var instance = function() {}, val = 'fooboo', val2 = 'fooboo2', iid = 1, called = false, getInst = function() { called = true; return instance; }, method = this._sut.standard.wrapNew( function() { return this.foo; }, null, 0, getInst ), override = this._sut.standard.wrapOverride( function() { return this.foo2; }, method, 0, getInst ) ; // set instance values instance.foo = val; instance.foo2 = val2; this.assertEqual( method(), val, "Calling method will bind 'this' to passed instance" ); this.assertEqual( override(), val2, "Calling method override will bind 'this' to passed instance" ); }, /** * The __super property is defined for method overrides and permits invoking * the overridden method (method of the supertype). * * In this test, we are not looking to assert that __super matches the super * method. Rather, we want to ensure it /invokes/ it. This is because the * super method may be wrapped to provide additional functionality. We don't * know, we don't care. We just want to make sure it's functioning properly. */ 'Overriden method should contain reference to super method': function() { var _self = this, orig_called = false, getInst = function() {}, // "super" method method = this._sut.standard.wrapNew( function() { orig_called = true; }, null, 0, getInst ), // override method override = this._sut.standard.wrapOverride( function() { _self.assertNotEqual( this.__super, undefined, "__super is defined for overridden method" ); this.__super(); _self.assertEqual( orig_called, true, "Invoking __super calls super method" ); }, method, 0, getInst ) ; // invoke the method to run the above assertions override(); }, /** * If the method is called when bound to a different context (e.g. for * protected/private members), __super may not be properly bound. * * This test is in response to a bug found after implementing visibility * support. The __super() method was previously defined on 'this', which may * or may not be the context that is actually used. Likely, it's not. */ 'Super method works properly when context differs': function() { var super_called = false, retobj = {}, getInst = function() { return retobj; }, // super method to be overridden method = this._sut.standard.wrapNew( function() { super_called = true; }, null, 0, getInst ), // the overriding method override = this._sut.standard.wrapOverride( function() { this.__super(); }, method, 0, getInst ) ; // call the overriding method override(); // ensure that the super method was called this.assertEqual( super_called, true, "__super() method is called even when context differs" ); // finally, ensure that __super is no longer set on the returned object // after the call to ensure that the caller cannot break encapsulation // by stealing a method reference (sneaky, sneaky) this.assertEqual( retobj.__super, undefined, "__super() method is unset after being called" ); }, /** * While __super is convenient and concise, it is not general-purpose * and does not solve the problem of invoking any arbitrary method on * the supertype. In particular, we may override some method foo, but * wish to call the parent foo in another method; we cannot do that with * __super. * * Note, however, that this will require foo.super.call( this ) to * provide the proper context. */ 'Can invoke super method by calling override.super': function() { var expected = {}, getInst = function() { return {}; }, // super method to be overridden method = this._sut.standard.wrapNew( function() { return expected; }, null, 0, getInst ), // the overriding method (we don't care what this does) override = this._sut.standard.wrapOverride( function() {}, method, 0, getInst ) ; // we should be able to invoke the super method by override.super, // which is added atop of the wrapper this.assertStrictEqual( override.super(), expected ); }, /** * The proxy wrapper should forward all arguments to the provided object's * appropriate method. The return value should also be proxied back to the * caller. */ 'Proxy will properly forward calls to destination object': function() { var name = 'someMethod', propname = 'dest', args = [ 1, {}, 'three' ], args_given = [], getInst = function() { return inst; }, method_retval = {}, dest = { someMethod: function() { args_given = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments ); return method_retval; }, }, // acts like a class instance inst = { dest: dest }, proxy = this._sut.standard.wrapProxy( propname, null, 0, getInst, name ) ; this.assertStrictEqual( method_retval, proxy.apply( inst, args ), "Proxy call should return the value from the destination" ); this.assertDeepEqual( args, args_given, "All arguments should be properly forwarded to the destination" ); }, /** * If the destination object returns itself, then we should return the * context in which the proxy was called; this ensures that we do not break * encapsulation. Consequently, it also provides a more consistent and * sensical API and permits method chaining. * * If this is not the desired result, then the user is free to forefit the * proxy wrapper and instead use a normal method, manually proxying the * call. */ 'Proxy retval is replaced with context if dest returns self': function() { var propname = 'foo', method = 'bar', foo = { bar: function() { // return "self" return foo; } }, inst = { foo: foo }, ret = this._sut.standard.wrapProxy( propname, null, 0, function() { return inst; }, method ).call( inst ) ; this.assertStrictEqual( inst, ret, "Proxy should return instance in place of destination, if returned" ); }, /** * Rather than allowing a cryptic error to be thrown by the engine, take * some initiative and attempt to detect when a call will fail due to the * destination not being an object. */ 'Proxy throws error if call will faill due to non-object': function() { var prop = 'noexist', method = 'foo'; try { // should fail because 'noexist' does not exist on the object this._sut.standard.wrapProxy( prop, null, 0, function() { return {}; }, method )(); } catch ( e ) { this.proxyErrorAssertCommon( e, prop, method ); return; } this.assertFail( "Error should be thrown if proxy would fail due to a non-object" ); }, /** * Rather than allowing a cryptic error to be thrown by the engine, take * some initiative and attempt to detect when a call will fail due to the * destination method not being a function. */ 'Proxy throws error if call will fail due to non-function': function() { var prop = 'dest', method = 'foo'; try { // should fail because 'noexist' does not exist on the object this._sut.standard.wrapProxy( prop, null, 0, function() { return { dest: { foo: 'notafunc' } }; }, method )(); } catch ( e ) { this.proxyErrorAssertCommon( e, prop, method ); return; } this.assertFail( "Error should be thrown if proxy would fail due to a non-function" ); }, /** * If the `static' keyword is provided, then the proxy mustn't operate on * instance properties. Instead, the static accessor method $() must be * used. */ 'Can proxy to static members': function() { var getInst = function() { // pretend that we're a static class with a static accessor method return { $: function( name ) { // implicitly tests that the argument is properly passed // (would otherwise return `undefined`) return s[ name ]; }, }; }, keywords = { 'static': true }, val = [ 'value' ], s = { // destination object foo: { method: function() { return val; }, } }; this.assertStrictEqual( val, this._sut.standard.wrapProxy( 'foo', null, 0, getInst, 'method', keywords )(), "Should properly proxy to static membesr via static accessor method" ); }, /** * A proxy method should be able to be used as a concrete implementation * for an abstract method; this means that it must properly expose the * number of arguments of the method that it is proxying to. The problem * is---it can't, because we do not have a type system and so we cannot * know what we will be proxying to at runtime! * * As such, we have no choice (since validations are not at proxy time) * but to set the length to something ridiculous so that it will never * fail. */ 'Proxy methods are able to satisfy abstract method param requirements': function() { var f = this._sut.standard.wrapProxy( {}, null, 0, function() {}, '', {} ); this.assertOk( !( 0 < f.__length ) ); }, } );