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README.traits "Trait Extending" section update to reflect class extension support

Mike Gerwitz 2015-05-27 23:40:30 -04:00
parent f3a8dea25d
commit c27400ca83
1 changed files with 5 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -12,12 +12,11 @@ complete.
* TODO Trait Extending
Currently, the only way for a trait to override methods of a class
it is being mixed into is to implement a common interface. Traits
should alternatively be able to "extend" classes, which will have
effects similar to Scala in that the trait can only be mixed into
that class. Further, traits should be able to extend and mix in
other traits (though such should be done conservatively).
Traits are able to "extend" classes, thereby declaring interface
compatability; this is a useful alternative to interfaces when a trait is
designed to augment a specific type. This convenience should be extended
to traits: a trait should be able to "extend" another trait in the same
manner that it may extend a class.
* TODO Documentation
Due to the trait implementation taking longer than expected to