Fork 0

util.propCopy() no longer needed

Mike Gerwitz 2011-01-24 23:38:27 -05:00
parent 70f5d09c34
commit 37e5b1d94d
3 changed files with 6 additions and 318 deletions

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@ -422,7 +422,12 @@ var implement = function()
arg = args[ i ];
// copy all interface methods to the class (does not yet deep copy)
util.propCopy( arg.prototype, dest );
util.propParse( arg.prototype, {
method: function( name, func, is_abstract, keywords )
dest[ name ] = func;
} );
implemented.push( arg );

View File

@ -252,111 +252,6 @@ exports.propParse = function( data, options )
* Copies properties to the destination object
* If the method already exists, it will be overridden and accessible via either
* the parent prototype or by invoking this.__super().
* The destination object is directly modified.
* The result data will be populated with information from the copy that may be
* useful to the creation of the class (e.g. list of the abstract methods).
* @param {Object} props properties to copy
* @param {Object} dest destination object
* @param {Object} actions parser actions (see propParse())
* @return undefined
exports.propCopy = function( props, dest, actions )
actions = actions || {};
var useOr = function( use, or )
if ( use instanceof Function )
// allow the override to invoke the default implementation
use.performDefault = or;
return use;
// use the default
return or;
// substitute default functionality if needed
var parse_actions = {
each: useOr( actions.each, function( name, value )
// methods can only be overridden with methods
if ( ( dest[ name ] instanceof Function )
&& ( !( value instanceof Function ) )
throw new TypeError( "Cannot override method with non-method" );
} ),
property: useOr( actions.property, function( name, value )
dest[ name ] = value;
} ),
getter: useOr( actions.getter, function( name, func )
dest.__defineGetter__( name, func );
} ),
setter: useOr( actions.setter, function( name, func )
dest.__defineSetter__( name, func );
} ),
method: useOr( actions.method, function( name, func, is_abstract )
var pre = dest[ name ];
// check for override
if ( pre !== undefined )
if ( pre instanceof Function )
// use provided method override action, or fall back to
// generic override
var overrideFunc = useOr( actions.methodOverride,
function( name, pre, func )
return exports.overrideMethod( name, pre, func );
// use call(), passing self in as context, to ensure 'this'
// will reference the function itself
dest[ name ] = overrideFunc.call(
overrideFunc, name, pre, func
throw new TypeError(
"Cannot override property '" + name + "' with method"
// simply copy over the method
dest[ name ] = func;
} ),
exports.propParse( props, parse_actions );
* Creates an abstract method
@ -403,73 +298,6 @@ exports.isAbstractMethod = function( func )
* Overrides a method
* The given method must be a function or an exception will be thrown.
* @param {string} name method name
* @param {Function} super_method method to override
* @param {Function} new_method method to override with
* @param {Array.<string>=} abstract_methods list of abstract methods
* @return {Function} overridden method
exports.overrideMethod = function(
name, super_method, new_method, abstract_methods
abstract_methods = abstract_methods || [];
// it's much faster to lookup a hash than it is to iterate through an entire
// array each time we need to find an existing abstract method
var abstract_map = {};
for ( var i = 0, len = abstract_methods.length; i < len; i++ )
var method = abstract_methods[ i ];
abstract_map[ method ] = i;
if ( abstract_map[ name ] !== undefined )
var is_abstract = exports.isAbstractMethod( new_method );
if ( super_method.definition instanceof Array )
var arg_len = ( is_abstract )
? new_method.definition.length
: new_method.length;
// ensure the concrete definition is compatible with
// that of its supertype
if ( arg_len < super_method.definition.length )
throw new TypeError(
"Declaration of " + name + " must be compatiable " +
"with that of its supertype"
// this is the method that will be invoked when the requested
// method is called, so note that in the context of this
// function, `this` will represent the current class instance
return function()
var tmp = this.__super;
// assign _super temporarily for the method invocation so
// that the method can call the parent method
this.__super = super_method;
var retval = new_method.apply( this, arguments );
this.__super = tmp;
return retval;
* Shrinks an array, removing undefined elements

View File

@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
* Tests util.propCopy
* Copyright (C) 2010 Mike Gerwitz
* This file is part of ease.js.
* ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @author Mike Gerwitz
* @package test
var common = require( './common' ),
assert = require( 'assert' ),
propCopy = common.require( 'util' ).propCopy;
get_set = ( Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ ) ? true : false;
props = {
one: 1,
two: 2,
method: function two() {},
dest = {}
if ( get_set )
props.__defineGetter__( 'val', function () {} );
props.__defineSetter__( 'val', function () {} );
propCopy( props, dest );
( ( dest.one === props.one ) && ( dest.two === props.two ) ),
"All properties should be copied to the destination object"
var each = false,
prop = false,
method = false,
getter = false,
setter = false,
override = false,
override_data = [];
var test_val = 'foobar',
dest2_orig_method = function() { return test_val; };
var dest2 = {
// will cause methodOverride action to be invoked
method: dest2_orig_method,
propCopy( props, dest2, {
each: function foo()
each = this.performDefault;
property: function()
prop = this.performDefault;
method: function( name, func )
// perform default action to ensure methodOverride() is called
( method = this.performDefault )( name, func );
getter: function()
getter = this.performDefault;
setter: function()
setter = this.performDefault;
methodOverride: function( name, pre, func )
override = this.performDefault;
override_data = [ name, pre, func ];
} );
var check = [ each, prop, method, override ],
check_i = check.length,
item = null
if ( get_set )
check.push( getter );
check.push( setter );
while ( check_i-- )
item = check[ check_i ];
"Can override propCopy() parser functions [" + check_i + "]"
( item instanceof Function ),
"propCopy() parser function overrides can invoke default " +
"functionality [" + check_i + "]"
( override_data[ 0 ] === 'method' ),
"methodOverride action is passed correct method name"
( override_data[ 1 ]() === test_val ),
"methodOverride action is passed correct original function"
( override_data[ 2 ] === props.method ),
"methodOverride action is passed correct override function"