Fork 0

Altered property keyword parser tests to be more easily recognizable

Mike Gerwitz 2011-01-17 20:41:04 -05:00
parent afc5d4668d
commit 1f661bebcd
1 changed files with 87 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -26,15 +26,19 @@ var common = require( './common' ),
assert = require( 'assert' ),
util = common.require( 'util' );
var data = {
( function testAbstractKeywordDesignatesMethodAsAbstract()
var data = {
'abstract foo': [],
var abstract_methods = [],
parse_data = {};
abstract_methods = [],
parse_data = {}
util.propParse( data, {
util.propParse( data, {
method: function ( name, func, is_abstract )
if ( is_abstract )
@ -43,30 +47,33 @@ util.propParse( data, {
parse_data[ name ] = func;
} );
} );
( ( abstract_methods.length === 1 )
&& ( abstract_methods[ 0 ] === 'foo' )
"Methods with 'abstract' keyword recognized as abstract"
} )();
// custom parser
var data2 = {
( function testCustomPropertyKeywordParsersAreSupported()
var data2 = {
foo: [],
map = {
foo: { 'abstract': true },
suffix = 'poo',
abstract_methods_2 = [];
abstract_methods_2 = []
util.propParse( data2, {
util.propParse( data2, {
keywordParser: function ( prop )
return {
@ -83,18 +90,19 @@ util.propParse( data2, {
abstract_methods_2.push( name );
} );
} );
( abstract_methods_2[ 0 ] === ( 'foo' + suffix ) ),
"Can provide custom property keyword parser"
} )();
// integrity test
assert.doesNotThrow( function()
( function testKeywordParserToleratesBogusResponses()
assert.doesNotThrow( function()
var junk = { foo: 'bar' };
util.propParse( junk, {
@ -111,5 +119,6 @@ assert.doesNotThrow( function()
return { name: [], keywords: 'slefwef' };
} );
}, Error, "Custom keyword parser tolerates bogus response" );
}, Error, "Custom keyword parser tolerates bogus response" );
} )();