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<span class="bigemph">ease.js is a Classical Object-Oriented framework for
JavaScript,</span> intended to eliminate boilerplate code and
&ldquo;ease&rdquo; the transition into JavaScript from other Object-Oriented
languages. Features include:
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<ul class="features">
<li><a href="#class-dfn">Simple and intuitive class definitions</a></li>
<li><a href="#inheritance">Classical inheritance</a></li>
<li><a href="#abstract">Abstract classes and methods</a></li>
<li><a href="#interfaces">Interfaces</a></li>
<a href="#access-modifiers">
Access modifiers (public, protected and private)
<li><a href="#static">Static and constant members</a></li>
<p class="info">
ease.js is a framework, not a compiler. It may be used wherever JavaScript may
be used, including with other compilers/parsers. ease.js also provides
support for older, pre-ES5 environments by gracefully degrading features (such
as visibility support), but remaining functionally consistent.
<h3 id="class-dfn" class="bigemph">
Simple and Intuitive Class Definitions
<span class="anchor"><a href="#class-dfn">&para;</a></span>
Class definitions closely resemble the familiar syntax of languages like Java,
C++, C# and PHP.
<pre class="js">
<!--%inc scripts/ex/class.js -->
Classes can be anonymous or named, the latter being more useful for debugging.
Since classes may be anonymous, constructors are styled after PHP:
<pre class="js">
<!--%inc scripts/ex/class-anon.js -->
Classes can be instantiated with or without the <tt>new</tt> keyword. Omission
aids in concise method chaining and the use of temporary classes.
<pre class="js">
var inst = Foo( "John Doe" );
var inst = new Foo( "John Doe" );
// temporary class
Foo( "John Doe" ).sayHello();
<a href="manual/Defining-Classes.html">&rarr; Read more in manual</a>
<a href="#" class="top">&uarr;</a>
<h3 id="inheritance" class="bigemph">
Classical Inheritance
<span class="anchor"><a href="#inheritance">&para;</a></span>
Classes can be extended to create subtypes. Like C++, methods are
<em>not</em> virtual by default. In Java terminology, all methods are
final by default. Multiple inheritance, like Java, is unsupported (see
<a href="#interfaces">Interfaces</a>).
<pre class="js">
<!--%inc scripts/ex/class-extend.js-->
Alternatively, if creating an anonymous subtype, the supertype's
<tt>extend()</tt> method may be used.
<pre class="js">
var SturdyCow = Cow.extend( { /*...*/ } );
To prevent a class from being extended, <tt>FinalClass</tt> can be used.
<pre class="js">
<!--%inc scripts/ex/class-final.js-->
<a href="manual/Inheritance.html">&rarr; Read more in manual</a>
<a href="#" class="top">&uarr;</a>
<h3 id="abstract" class="bigemph">
Abstract Classes and Methods
<span class="anchor"><a href="#abstract">&para;</a></span>
If a class contains abstract members, it must be declared as an
<tt>AbstractClass</tt>. Abstract methods must be overridden by subtypes and
are implicitly virtual.
<pre class="js">
<!--%inc scripts/ex/class-abstract.js-->
<a href="manual/Abstract-Members.html">&rarr; Read more in manual</a>
<a href="#" class="top">&uarr;</a>
<h3 id="interfaces" class="bigemph">
<span class="anchor"><a href="#interfaces">&para;</a></span>
ease.js supports the Java concept of Interfaces, which act much like abstract
classes with no implementation. Each method is implicitly abstract. Properties
cannot be defined on interfaces.
<pre class="js">
<!--%inc scripts/ex/interface.js -->
Concrete classes may implement one or more interfaces. If a concrete class
does not provide a concrete implementation for every method defined on the
interface, it must be declared an <a
<pre class="js">
<!--%inc scripts/ex/interface-2.js -->
Polymorphic methods may check whether a given object implements a certain
<pre class="js">
<!--%inc scripts/ex/interface-3.js -->
<a href="manual/Interfaces.html">&rarr; Read more in manual</a>
<a href="#" class="top">&uarr;</a>
<h3 id="access-modifiers" class="bigemph">
Access Modifiers
<span class="anchor"><a href="#access-modifiers">&para;</a></span>
All three common access modifiers &mdash; public, protected and private
&mdash; are supported, but enforced only in ECMAScript 5 and later
<pre class="js">
<!--%inc scripts/ex/access-modifiers.js -->
In the above example, the database connection remains encapsulated within
<tt>DatabaseRecord</tt>. Subtypes are able to query and escape strings and
external callers are able to retrieve a name for a given id. Attempting to
access a private or protected member externally will result in an error.
Attempting to access a private member from within a subtype will result in an
<a href="manual/Access-Modifiers.html">&rarr; Read more in manual</a>
<a href="#" class="top">&uarr;</a>
<h3 id="static" class="bigemph">
Static and Constant Members
<span class="anchor"><a href="#static">&para;</a></span>
Static members are bound to the class itself, rather than a particular
instance. Constants are immutable static members (unlike languages like PHP,
they may use any access modifier). In order to support both
pre- and post-ECMAScript 5 environments, the syntax requires use of a static
accessor method &mdash; <tt>$()</tt>.
<pre class="js">
<!--%inc scripts/ex/static-members.js -->
<a href="manual/Static-Members.html">&rarr; Read more in manual</a>
<a href="#" class="top">&uarr;</a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/highlight.pack.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
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Array.prototype.slice.call( document.querySelectorAll( '.js' ) )
.forEach( function( element )
hljs.highlightBlock( element, ' ' );
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