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* Tests visibility portion of member builder
* Copyright (C) 2010 Mike Gerwitz
* This file is part of ease.js.
* ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @author Mike Gerwitz
* @package test
require( 'common' ).testCase(
caseSetUp: function()
var _self = this;
this.buildStubMethod = function( name, val, visibility )
var keywords = {};
// set visibility level using access modifier
keywords[ visibility ] = true;
_self.sut.buildMethod( _self.members, {}, name,
function() {
return val;
function() {},
this.buildStubProp = function( name, val, visibility )
var keywords = {};
// set visibility level using access modifier
keywords[ visibility ] = true;
_self.sut.buildProp( _self.members, {}, name, val, keywords, {} );
this.buildStubGetterSetter = function( name, val, visibility, type )
var keywords = {},
method = ( ( type === 'get' )
? _self.sut.buildGetter
: _self.sut.buildSetter
// set visibility level using access modifier
keywords[ visibility ] = true;
method( _self.members, {}, name, val, keywords, {} );
this.assertOnlyIn = function( vis, name )
var found = false;
for ( level in _self.members )
if ( typeof _self.members[ level ][ name ] === 'undefined' )
// we found it; ensure it's in the expected visibility level
found = true;
if ( level !== vis )
_self.fail( name + " should only be accessible in: " + vis );
found || _self.fail(
"Did not find '" + name + "' in level: " + vis
this.basicVisPropTest = function( vis )
var name = vis + 'propname',
val = vis + 'val';
_self.buildStubProp( name, val, vis );
_self.assertEqual( _self.members[ vis ][ name ][ 0 ], val );
_self.assertOnlyIn( vis, name, _self.members );
this.basicVisMethodTest = function( vis )
var name = vis + 'methodname',
val = vis + 'val';
_self.buildStubMethod( name, val, vis );
_self.members[ vis ][ name ](),
_self.assertOnlyIn( vis, name, _self.members );
/** ES5-only **/
this.basicVisGetterSetterTest = function( vis )
// we cannot perform these tests if getters/setters are unsupported
// by our environment
if ( typeof Object.defineProperty !== 'function' )
var name = vis + 'getsetname',
getval = function() { return true; },
setval = function() {}
// build both the getter and the setter
_self.buildStubGetterSetter( name, getval, vis, 'get' );
_self.buildStubGetterSetter( name, setval, vis, 'set' );
// get the getter/setter
var data = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
_self.members[ vis ], name
_self.assertEqual( data.get, getval );
_self.assertEqual( data.set, setval );
_self.assertOnlyIn( vis, name, _self.members );
this.multiVisFailureTest = function( test )
var multi = [
{ 'public': true, 'protected': true },
{ 'public': true, 'private': true },
{ 'protected': true, 'private': true },
name = 'foo'
// run the test for each combination of multiple access modifiers
for ( var i = 0, len = multi.length; i < len; i++ )
test( name, multi[ i ] );
catch ( e )
// ensure we received the correct error
( e.message.search( 'access modifier' ) > -1 ),
'Unexpected error for multiple access modifiers'
// ensure the error message contains the name of the member
( e.message.search( name ) > -1 ),
'Multiple access modifier error message should ' +
'contain name of member'
'Should fail with multiple access modifiers: ' + i
setUp: function()
// stub factories used for testing
var stubFactory = this.require( 'MethodWrapperFactory' )(
function( func ) { return func; }
this.sut = this.require( 'MemberBuilder' )(
stubFactory, stubFactory
this.members = this.sut.initMembers();
* The member object stores the members associated with each of the three
* levels of visibility that are denoted by access modifiers: public,
* protected and private. The initMembers() method is simply an abstraction.
'Can create empty member object': function()
var members = this.sut.initMembers(),
test = [ 'public', 'protected', 'private' ];
// ensure each level of visibility exists in the new member object
// (aren't these for statements terribly repetitive? 0 <= i < len would
// be nice to be able to do.)
for ( var i = 0, len = test.length; i < len; i++ )
this.assertOk( ( typeof members[ test[ i ] ] !== 'undefined' ),
'Clean member object is missing visibility level: ' + test[ i ]
* The initialization method gives us the option to use existing objects
* for each level of visibility rather than creating new, empty ones.
'Can initialize member object with existing objects': function()
var pub = { foo: 'bar' },
prot = { bar: 'baz' },
priv = { baz: 'foo' },
members = this.sut.initMembers( pub, prot, priv ),
test = {
'public': pub,
'protected': prot,
'private': priv,
// ensure we can initialize the values of each visibility level
for ( vis in test )
this.assertStrictEqual( test[ vis ], members[ vis ],
"Visibility level '" + vis + "' cannot be initialized"
* The various members should be copied only to the interface specified by
* their access modifiers (public, protected, or private).
'Members are only accessible via their respective interfaces': function()
var _self = this,
tests = [ 'public', 'protected', 'private' ];
for ( i in tests )
_self.basicVisPropTest( tests[ i ] );
_self.basicVisMethodTest( tests[ i ] );
_self.basicVisGetterSetterTest( tests[ i ] );
* If no access modifier is provided, it should be assumed that the member
* is to be public. This also allows for more concise code should the
* developer with to omit unnecessary keywords.
'Members will be declared public if access modifier is omitted': function()
var name_prop = 'prop', val_prop = 'foo',
name_method = 'method', val_method = function() {}
this.sut.buildProp( this.members, {}, name_prop, val_prop, {}, {} );
this.sut.buildMethod( this.members, {}, name_method, val_method,
{}, function() {}, 1, {}
this.members[ 'public' ][ name_prop ][ 0 ],
'Properties should be public by default'
this.members[ 'public' ][ name_method ],
'Methods should be public by default'
'Only one access modifier may be used per property': function()
var _self = this;
this.multiVisFailureTest( function( name, keywords )
_self.sut.buildProp( _self.members, {}, name, 'baz', keywords, {} );
} );
'Only one access modifier may be used per method': function()
var _self = this;
this.multiVisFailureTest( function( name, keywords )
_self.members, {}, name, function() {}, keywords, {}
} );
} );