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* Validation rules for members
2013-12-20 00:49:06 -05:00
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 Mike Gerwitz
* This file is part of GNU ease.js.
* ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
module.exports = exports = function MemberBuilderValidator( warn_handler )
// permit omitting 'new' keyword
if ( !( this instanceof module.exports ) )
return new module.exports( warn_handler );
this._warningHandler = warn_handler || function() {};
* Initialize validation state if not already done
* @param {Object} state validation state
* @return {Object} provided state object STATE
exports.prototype._initState = function( state )
if ( state.__vready ) return state;
state.warn = {};
state.__vready = true;
return state;
* Perform post-processing on and invalidate validation state
* All queued warnings will be triggered.
* @param {Object} state validation state
* @return {undefined}
exports.prototype.end = function( state )
// trigger warnings
for ( var f in state.warn )
var warns = state.warn[ f ];
for ( var id in warns )
this._warningHandler( warns[ id ] );
state.__vready = false;
* Enqueue warning within validation state
* @param {Object} state validation state
* @param {string} member member name
* @param {string} id warning identifier
* @param {Warning} warn warning
* @return {undefined}
function _addWarn( state, member, id, warn )
( state.warn[ member ] = state.warn[ member ] || {} )[ id ] = warn;
* Remove warning from validation state
* @param {Object} state validation state
* @param {string} member member name
* @param {string} id warning identifier
* @return {undefined}
function _clearWarn( state, member, id, warn )
delete ( state.warn[ member ] || {} )[ id ];
* Validates a method declaration, ensuring that keywords are valid,
* overrides make sense, etc.
* Throws exception on validation failure. Warnings are stored in the state
* object for later processing. The state object will be initialized if it
* has not been already; for the initial validation, the state object should
* be empty.
* @param {string} name method name
* @param {*} value method value
* @param {Object.<string,boolean>} keywords parsed keywords
* @param {Object} prev_data data of member being overridden
* @param {Object} prev_keywords keywords of member being overridden
* @param {Object} state pre-initialized state object
* @return {undefined}
exports.prototype.validateMethod = function(
name, value, keywords, prev_data, prev_keywords, state
this._initState( state );
var prev = ( prev_data ) ? prev_data.member : null;
if ( keywords[ 'abstract' ] )
// do not permit private abstract methods (doesn't make sense, since
// they cannot be inherited/overridden)
if ( keywords[ 'private' ] )
throw TypeError(
"Method '" + name + "' cannot be both private and abstract"
// const doesn't make sense for methods; they're always immutable
if ( keywords[ 'const' ] )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot declare method '" + name + "' as constant; keyword is " +
// virtual static does not make sense, as static methods cannot be
// overridden
if ( keywords[ 'virtual' ] && ( keywords[ 'static' ] ) )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot declare static method '" + name + "' as virtual"
// do not allow overriding getters/setters
if ( prev_data && ( prev_data.get || prev_data.set ) )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot override getter/setter '" + name + "' with method"
Added `proxy' keyword support The concept of proxy methods will become an important, core concept in ease.js that will provide strong benefits for creating decorators and proxies, removing boilerplate code and providing useful metadata to the system. Consider the following example: Class( 'Foo', { // ... 'public performOperation': function( bar ) { this._doSomethingWith( bar ); return this; }, } ); Class( 'FooDecorator', { 'private _foo': null, // ... 'public performOperation': function( bar ) { return this._foo.performOperation( bar ); }, } ); In the above example, `FooDecorator` is a decorator for `Foo`. Assume that the `getValueOf()` method is undecorated and simply needs to be proxied to its component --- an instance of `Foo`. (It is not uncommon that a decorator, proxy, or related class will alter certain functionality while leaving much of it unchanged.) In order to do so, we can use this generic, boilerplate code return this.obj.func.apply( this.obj, arguments ); which would need to be repeated again and again for *each method that needs to be proxied*. We also have another problem --- `Foo.getValueOf()` returns *itself*, which `FooDecorator` *also* returns. This breaks encapsulation, so we instead need to return ourself: 'public performOperation': function( bar ) { this._foo.performOperation( bar ); return this; }, Our boilerplate code then becomes: var ret = this.obj.func.apply( this.obj, arguments ); return ( ret === this.obj ) ? this : ret; Alternatively, we could use the `proxy' keyword: Class( 'FooDecorator2', { 'private _foo': null, // ... 'public proxy performOperation': '_foo', } ); `FooDecorator2.getValueOf()` and `FooDecorator.getValueOf()` both perform the exact same task --- proxy the entire call to another object and return its result, unless the result is the component, in which case the decorator itself is returned. Proxies, as of this commit, accomplish the following: - All arguments are forwarded to the destination - The return value is forwarded to the caller - If the destination returns a reference to itself, it will be replaced with a reference to the caller's context (`this`). - If the call is expected to fail, either because the destination is not an object or because the requested method is not a function, a useful error will be immediately thrown (rather than the potentially cryptic one that would otherwise result, requiring analysis of the stack trace). N.B. As of this commit, static proxies do not yet function properly.
2012-05-02 13:26:47 -04:00
if ( keywords[ 'proxy' ] )
// proxies are expected to provide the name of the destination object
if ( typeof value !== 'string' )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot declare proxy method '" + name + "'; string value " +
else if ( keywords[ 'abstract' ] )
// proxies are always concrete
throw TypeError(
"Proxy method '" + name + "' cannot be abstract"
// search for any previous instances of this member
if ( prev )
// perform this check first, as it will make more sense than those that
// follow, should this condition be satisfied
if ( prev_keywords[ 'private' ] )
throw TypeError(
"Private member name '" + name + "' conflicts with supertype"
// disallow overriding properties with methods
if ( !( typeof prev === 'function' ) )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot override property '" + name + "' with method"
// disallow overriding non-virtual methods
if ( keywords[ 'override' ] && !( prev_keywords[ 'virtual' ] ) )
2014-03-04 00:19:39 -05:00
if ( !( keywords[ 'abstract' ] ) )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot override non-virtual method '" + name + "'"
// at this point, we have `abstract override'
if ( !( prev_keywords[ 'abstract' ] ) )
// TODO: test me
throw TypeError(
"Cannot perform abstract override on non-abstract " +
"method '" + name + "'"
// do not allow overriding concrete methods with abstract unless the
// abstract method is weak
if ( keywords[ 'abstract' ]
&& !( keywords.weak )
&& !( prev_keywords[ 'abstract' ] )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot override concrete method '" + name + "' with " +
"abstract method"
var lenprev = ( prev.__length === undefined )
? prev.length
: prev.__length;
var lennow = ( value.__length === undefined )
? value.length
: value.__length;
if ( keywords[ 'proxy' ] )
// otherwise we'd be checking against the length of a string.
lennow = NaN;
if ( keywords.weak && !( prev_keywords[ 'abstract' ] ) )
// weak abstract declaration found after its concrete
// definition; check in reverse order
var tmp = lenprev;
lenprev = lennow;
lennow = tmp;
// ensure parameter list is at least the length of its supertype
if ( lennow < lenprev )
throw TypeError(
"Declaration of method '" + name + "' must be compatible " +
"with that of its supertype"
// do not permit visibility deescalation
if ( this._getVisibilityValue( prev_keywords ) <
this._getVisibilityValue( keywords )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot de-escalate visibility of method '" + name + "'"
// Disallow overriding method without override keyword (unless
// parent method is abstract). In the future, this will provide a
// warning to default to method hiding. Note the check for a
if ( !( keywords[ 'override' ]
|| prev_keywords[ 'abstract' ]
|| keywords.weak
) )
throw TypeError(
"Attempting to override method '" + name +
"' without 'override' keyword"
// prevent non-override warning
if ( keywords.weak && prev_keywords[ 'override' ] )
_clearWarn( state, name, 'no' );
else if ( keywords[ 'override' ] )
// using the override keyword without a super method may indicate a bug,
// but it shouldn't stop the class definition (it doesn't adversely
// affect the functionality of the class, unless of course the method
// attempts to reference a supertype)
_addWarn( state, name, 'no', Error(
"Method '" + name +
"' using 'override' keyword without super method"
) );
* Validates a property declaration, ensuring that keywords are valid, overrides
* make sense, etc.
* Throws exception on validation failure
* @param {string} name method name
* @param {*} value method value
* @param {Object.<string,boolean>} keywords parsed keywords
* @param {Object} prev_data data of member being overridden
* @param {Object} prev_keywords keywords of member being overridden
* @return {undefined}
exports.prototype.validateProperty = function(
name, value, keywords, prev_data, prev_keywords
var prev = ( prev_data ) ? prev_data.member : null;
// do not permit visibility de-escalation
if ( prev )
// perform this check first, as it will make more sense than those that
// follow, should this condition be satisfied
if ( prev_keywords[ 'private' ] )
throw TypeError(
"Private member name '" + name + "' conflicts with supertype"
// disallow overriding methods with properties
if ( typeof prev === 'function' )
throw new TypeError(
"Cannot override method '" + name + "' with property"
if ( this._getVisibilityValue( prev_keywords )
< this._getVisibilityValue( keywords )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot de-escalate visibility of property '" + name + "'"
// do not allow overriding getters/setters
if ( prev_data && ( prev_data.get || prev_data.set ) )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot override getter/setter '" + name + "' with property"
// abstract properties do not make sense
if ( keywords[ 'abstract' ] )
throw TypeError(
"Property '" + name + "' cannot be declared as abstract"
// constants are static
if ( keywords[ 'static' ] && keywords[ 'const' ] )
throw TypeError(
"Static keyword cannot be used with const for property '" +
name + "'"
// properties are inherently virtual
if ( keywords['virtual'] )
throw TypeError( "Cannot declare property '" + name + "' as virtual" );
* Performs common validations on getters/setters
* If a problem is found, an exception will be thrown.
* @param {string} name getter/setter name
* @param {Object.<string,boolean>} keywords parsed keywords
* @return {undefined}
exports.prototype.validateGetterSetter = function(
name, value, keywords, prev_data, prev_keywords
var prev = ( prev_data ) ? prev_data.member : null,
prev_gs = ( ( prev_data && ( prev_data.get || prev_data.set ) )
? true
: false
// abstract getters/setters are not yet supported
if ( keywords[ 'abstract' ] )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot declare getter/setter '" + name + "' as abstract"
// for const getters/setters, omit the setter
if ( keywords[ 'const' ] )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot declare const getter/setter '" + name + "'"
// virtual static does not make sense, as static methods cannot be
// overridden
if ( keywords[ 'virtual' ] && ( keywords[ 'static' ] ) )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot declare static method '" + name + "' as virtual"
if ( prev || prev_gs )
// perform this check first, as it will make more sense than those that
// follow, should this condition be satisfied
if ( prev_keywords && prev_keywords[ 'private' ] )
throw TypeError(
"Private member name '" + name + "' conflicts with supertype"
// To speed up the system we'll simply check for a getter/setter, rather
// than checking separately for methods/properties. This is at the
// expense of more detailed error messages. They'll live.
if ( !( prev_gs ) )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot override method or property '" + name +
"' with getter/setter"
'this' now properly binds to the private member object of the instance for getters/setters Getters/setters did not get much attention during the initial development of ease.js, simply because there was such a strong focus on pre-ES5 compatibility---ease.js was created for a project that strongly required it. Given that, getters/setters were not used, since those are ES5 features. As such, I find that two things have happened: 1. There was little incentive to provide a proper implementation; even though I noticed the issues during the initial development, they were left unresolved and were then forgotten about as the project lay dormant for a while. 2. The project was dormant because it was working as intended (sure, there are still things on the TODO-list feature-wise). Since getters/setters were unused in the project for which ease.js was created, the bug was never found and so never addressed. That said, I now am using getters/setters in a project with ease.js and noticed a very odd bug that could not be explained by that project's implementation. Sure enough, it was an ease.js issue and this commit resolves it. Now, there is more to be said about this commit. Mainly, it should be noted that MemberBuilder.buildGetterSetter, when compared with its method counterpart (buildMethod) is incomplete---it does not properly address overrides, the abstract keyword, proxies or the possibility of method hiding. This is certainly something that I will get to, but I want to get this fix out as soon as I can. Since overriding ES5 getters/setters (rather than explicit methods) is more likely to be a rarity, and since a partial fix is better than no fix, this will likely be tagged immediately and a further fix will follow in the (hopefully near) future. (This is an interesting example of how glaring bugs manage to slip through the cracks, even when the developer is initially aware of them.)
2013-01-19 20:54:30 -05:00
if ( !( prev_keywords && prev_keywords[ 'virtual' ] ) )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot override non-virtual getter/setter '" + name + "'"
if ( !( keywords[ 'override' ] ) )
throw TypeError(
"Attempting to override getter/setter '" + name +
"' without 'override' keyword"
// do not permit visibility de-escalation
if ( this._getVisibilityValue( prev_keywords || {} )
< this._getVisibilityValue( keywords )
throw TypeError(
"Cannot de-escalate visibility of getter/setter '" + name + "'"
else if ( keywords[ 'override' ] )
// using the override keyword without a super method may indicate a bug
// in the user's code
this._warningHandler( Error(
"Getter/setter '" + name +
"' using 'override' keyword without super getter/setter"
) );
* Return the visibility level as a numeric value, where 0 is public and 2 is
* private
* @param {Object} keywords keywords to scan for visibility level
* @return {number} visibility level as a numeric value
exports.prototype._getVisibilityValue = function( keywords )
if ( keywords[ 'protected' ] )
return 1;
else if ( keywords[ 'private' ] )
return 2;
// default is public
return 0;