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* Tests class module object creation
2015-05-28 01:00:32 -04:00
* Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU ease.js.
* ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require( 'common' ).testCase(
setUp: function()
2015-05-12 23:30:14 -04:00
this.Sut = this.require( 'class' );
this.ClassBuilder = this.require( 'ClassBuilder' );
this.Foo = this.Sut.extend(
value: 'foo',
} );
this.asserts = [ 'assertInstanceOf', 'assertIsA' ];
* The most primitve means of creating a class is by calling the extend
* method on the module itself, which will extend the base class. (Any
* shorthand forms still do this.)
'Class module should provide an extend method': function()
typeof this.Sut.extend === 'function'
* The extend method should create a new constructor, which itself is a
* function.
'Extend method creates a new function': function()
this.assertOk( typeof this.Foo === 'function' );
* Sanity check.
'Classes are considered by the system to be classes': function()
this.assertOk( this.Sut.isClass( this.Foo ) );
* Even though we have no problem working with conventional prototypes,
* there may be certian features that ease.js provides in which it is
* important to know whether or not the given object is a class created
* with ease.js.
'Only actual classes are considered to be classes': function()
this.assertOk( !( this.Sut.isClass( {} ) ) );
* Class instances are objects, not classes.
'Class instances are not considered to be classes': function()
var inst = new this.Foo();
this.assertOk( !( this.Sut.isClass( inst ) ) );
* ease.js may expose features that are useful only to instances of
* classes created through ease.js, so it is useful to know when an
* object is such.
'Class instances are considered to be instances': function()
var inst = new this.Foo();
this.assertOk( this.Sut.isClassInstance( inst ) );
* An instance is, well, an instance of a class; it is not a class.
'Classes are not considered to be class instances': function()
( !( this.Sut.isClassInstance( this.Foo ) ) )
* While an object may be an instance of something in the traditional
* ECMAScript sense, the distinction is important for the framework; you
* don't need ease.js to determine if an object is an instance of
* something that is non-ease.js-y.
'Non-class objects are not considered to be instances': function()
// plain 'ol object
this.assertOk( !( this.Sut.isClassInstance( {} ) ) );
// ctor instance
var proto = function() {};
this.assertOk( !( this.Sut.isClassInstance( new proto() ) ) );
* A class shoudl be an immutable blueprint for creating objects. Unlike
* prototypes, they should not be able to be modified at runtime to
* affect every instance. If you want that, then use prototypes, not
* classes.
'Generated classes should be frozen': function()
// only perform check if supported by the engine
if ( Object.isFrozen === undefined )
this.assertOk( Object.isFrozen( this.Foo ) );
* We provide a reflection mechanism that may be used to determine
* whether an instance was created from a given class; this can be used
* for typing.
'Class instance is recognized as instance of class': function()
this.Sut.isInstanceOf( this.Foo, new this.Foo() )
* We're talking about JS here; people do unpredictable things, and this
* is likely to be a common one if type checking arguments to a
* function/method.
'Checking instance of undefined will not throw an error': function()
this.Sut.isInstanceOf( this.Foo, undefined ) === false
* Similar to the above, but instead of providing undefined to be
* checked against a class, the class to check against is undefined.
'Checking for instance of undefined will not throw an error': function()
this.Sut.isInstanceOf( undefined, {} ) === false
* Since a class is not an instance, it should never be recognized as an
* instance of itself.
'Class is not an instance of itself': function()
this.assertOk( !( this.Sut.isInstanceOf( this.Foo, this.Foo ) ) );
* Sanity check...prevent confoundentry, which is particularily
* important in the case of accidental argument order switching.
'Class is not an instance of its instance': function()
!( this.Sut.isInstanceOf( new this.Foo(), this.Foo ) )
* Sometimes it's easier to think in terms of types, not instances. This
* is also shorter.
'isA is an alias for isInstanceOf': function()
* While more concise if used responsibly, it can also be dangerous in
* the event that the instance may not be an ease.js class instance.
'Class instance has partially applied isInstanceOf method': function()
var inst = new this.Foo();
( ( typeof inst.isInstanceOf === 'function' )
&& ( inst.isInstanceOf( this.Foo ) === true )
&& ( inst.isInstanceOf( inst ) === false )
* Same as above.
'Class instance has partially applied isA alias method': function()
var inst = new this.Foo();
2015-05-12 23:30:14 -04:00
* There are cases---intended for internal use---where it is beneficial
* for an object to be treated as though it were actually a class.
'Any object may masquerade as a class': function()
var obj = {};
// XXX: tightly coupled logic here; refactor things
this.ClassBuilder.masquerade( obj );
this.assertOk( this.Sut.isClass( obj ) );
* This really should be encapsulated, probably, but it does exist for
* reference.
'Class id is available via class': function()
this.assertOk( this.Foo.__cid !== undefined );
* This ensures that the class id is accessible through all instances.
'Class id is available via class prototype': function()
( this.Foo.prototype.__cid !== undefined )
* When enforcing polymorphism (as opposed to duck typing), assertions
* are common; it's a lot of boilerplate.
'@each(asserts) assertIsA throws TypeError if not instance of class':
function( assertm )
var FooType = this.Sut( 'FooType' ).extend( {} );
this.Sut[ assertm ]( FooType, {} );
catch ( e )
this.assertOk( e instanceof TypeError );
this.assertOk( /instance of `FooType'/.test( e.message ) );
* Same as above, but with the ability to add a custom error message.
'@each(asserts) assertIsA throws TypeError with custom message':
function( assertm )
var expected = "Test assertIsA message";
this.Sut[ assertm ]( this.Foo, {}, expected );
catch ( e )
this.assertEqual( e.message, expected );
} );