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* Tests class module extend() method
2014-01-20 22:55:29 -05:00
* Copyright (C) 2014 Mike Gerwitz
* This file is part of GNU ease.js.
* ease.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Note that these tests all use the `new' keyword for instantiating
* classes, even though it is not required with ease.js; this is both for
* historical reasons (when `new' was required during early development) and
* because we are not testing (and do want to depend upon) that feature.
require( 'common' ).testCase(
caseSetUp: function()
this.test_props = {
one: 1,
two: 2,
this.Sut = this.require( 'class' );
// there are two different means of extending; we want to test them
// both (this will be denoted Foo)
this.classes = [
this.Sut.extend( this.test_props ),
this.Sut( this.test_props ),
* All classes can be easily extended via an extend method, although it
* is not necessarily recommended to be used directly, as you must
* ensure that the object is an ease.js class and the resulting class
* will be anonymous.
'@each(classes) Created class contains extend method': function( C )
this.assertOk( typeof C.extend === 'function' );
* It would make sense that a subtype returned is an object, since it
* cannot be a class if it isn't.
'@each(classes) Subtype is returned as an object': function( C )
this.assertOk( C.extend() instanceof Object );
* Subtypes should inherit all properties of the supertype into their
* prototype chain.
'@each(classes) Subtype inherits parent properties': function( C )
var SubFoo = C.extend();
for ( var prop in this.test_props )
this.test_props[ prop ],
SubFoo.prototype[ prop ],
"Missing property: " + prop
* A subtype should obvious contain the properties that were a part of
* its definition.
'@each(classes) Subtype contains its own properties': function( C )
var sub_props = {
three: 3,
four: 4,
var sub_foo = new C.extend( sub_props )();
// and ensure that the subtype's properties were included
for ( var prop in sub_props )
sub_props[ prop ],
sub_foo[ prop ],
"Missing property: " + prop
* In addition to the core functions provided by ease.js for checking
* instances, we try to ease into the protype model the best we can in
* order to work with other prototypes; therefore, instances should be
* recognized as instances of their parent classes even by the
* ECMAScript `instanceof' operator.
'@each(classes) Subtypes are ECMAScript instances of their supertypes':
function( C )
this.assertOk( C.extend()() instanceof C );
* Even though this can be checked using the instanceof operator,
* ease.js has a more complex type system (e.g. supporting of
* interfaces) and so we want to provide a consistent alternative.
'@each(classes) Subtypes are easejs instances of their supertypes':
function( C )
var SubFoo = C.extend(),
sub_instance = new SubFoo();
this.assertOk( sub_instance.isInstanceOf( SubFoo ) );
* Foo
* |
* SubFoo
* / \
* SubSubFoo SubSubFoo2
* Objects should be considered instances of any classes that their
* instantiating class inherits from, since they inherit their API and
* are interchangable, provided that only the common subset of the API
* is used.
'@each(classes) Objects are instances of their super-supertypes':
function( C )
var sub_sub_instance = new ( C.extend().extend() )();
( ( sub_sub_instance instanceof C )
&& sub_sub_instance.isInstanceOf( C )
* It would not make sense that an object is considered to be an
* instance of any possible subtypes---that is, if C inherits B, then an
* instance of B is not of type C; C could introduce an incompatible
* interface.
'@each(classes) Objects are not instances of subtypes': function( C )
var SubFoo = C.extend(),
SubSubFoo = SubFoo.extend(),
sub_inst = new SubFoo();
( !( sub_inst instanceof SubSubFoo )
&& !( sub_inst.isInstanceOf( SubSubFoo ) )
* Two classes that inherit from a common parent are not compatible, as
* they can introduce their own distinct interfaces.
'@each(classes) Objects are not instances of sibling types':
function( C )
var SubFoo = C.extend(),
SubSubFoo = SubFoo.extend(),
SubSubFoo2 = SubFoo.extend(),
sub_sub2_inst = new SubSubFoo2();
( !( sub_sub2_inst instanceof SubSubFoo )
&& !( sub_sub2_inst.isInstanceOf( SubSubFoo ) )
* We support extending existing prototypes (that is, inherit from
* constructors that were not created using ease.js).
'Constructor prototype is copied to subclass': function()
var Ctor = function() {};
Ctor.prototype = { foo: {} };
this.Sut.extend( Ctor, {} ).prototype.foo,
* This should go without saying---we're aiming for consistency here and
* subclassing doesn't make much sense if it doesn't work.
'Subtype of constructor should contain extended members': function()
var Ctor = function() {};
( new this.Sut.extend( Ctor, { foo: {} } )() ).foo,
* If a subtype provides a property of the same name as its parent, then
* it should act as a reassignment.
'Subtypes can override parent property values': function()
var expect = 'ok',
C = this.Sut.extend( { p: null } ).extend( { p: expect } );
this.assertEqual( C().p, expect );
* Prevent overriding the internal method that initializes property
* values upon instantiation.
'__initProps() cannot be declared (internal method)': function()
var _self = this;
this.assertThrows( function()
__initProps: function() {},
} );
}, Error );
// TODO: move me into a more appropriate test case (this may actually be
// tested elsewhere)
* If using the short-hand extend, an object is required to represent
* the class defintiion.
'Invoking class module requires object as argument if extending':
var _self = this;
// these tests can be run in the browser in pre-ES5 environments, so
// no forEach()
var chk = [ 5, false, undefined ],
i = chk.length;
while ( i-- )
this.assertThrows( function()
_self.Sut( chk[ i ] );
* We provide a useful default toString() method, but one may wish to
* override it
'Can override toString() method': function()
var str = 'foomookittypoo',
result = ''
result = this.Sut( 'FooToStr',
toString: function()
return str;
} )().toString();
this.assertEqual( result, str );
* In ease.js's initial design, keywords were not included. This meant
* that duplicate member definitions were not possible---it'd throw a
* parse error (maybe). However, with keywords, it is now possible to
* redeclare a member with the same name in the same class definition.
* Since this doesn't make much sense, we must disallow it.
'Cannot provide duplicate member definitions using unique keys':
var _self = this;
this.assertThrows( function()
// declare as protected first so that we won't get a visibility
// de-escalation error with the below re-definition
'protected foo': '',
// should fail; redefinition
'public foo': '',
} );
}, Error );
this.assertThrows( function()
// declare as protected first so that we won't get a visibility
// de-escalation error with the below re-definition
'protected foo': function() {},
// should fail; redefinition
'public foo': function() {},
} );
}, Error );
* To understand this test, one must understand how "inheritance" works
* with prototypes. We must create a new instance of the ctor (class)
* and add that instance to the prototype chain (if we added an
* un-instantiated constructor, then the members in the prototype would
* be accessible only though ctor.prototype). Therefore, when we
* instantiate this class for use in the prototype, we must ensure the
* constructor is not invoked, since our intent is not to create a new
* instance of the class.
'__construct should not be called when extending class': function()
var called = false,
Foo = this.Sut( {
'public __construct': function()
called = true;
} ).extend( {} );
this.assertEqual( called, false );
* Previously, when attempting to extend from an invalid supertype,
* you'd get a CALL_NON_FUNCTION_AS_CONSTRUCTOR error, which is not very
* helpful to someone who is not familiar with the ease.js internals.
* Let's provide a more useful error that clearly states what's going
* on.
'Extending from non-ctor or non-class provides useful error': function()
// invalid supertype
this.Sut.extend( 'oops', {} );
catch ( e )
this.assertOk( e.message.search( 'extend from' ),
"Error message for extending from non-ctor or class " +
"makes sense"
"Attempting to extend from non-ctor or class should " +
"throw exception"
* If we attempt to extend an object (rather than a constructor), we
* should simply use that as the prototype directly rather than
* attempting to instantiate it.
'Extending object will not attempt instantiation': function()
var obj = { foo: 'bar' };
this.assertEqual( obj.foo, this.Sut.extend( obj, {} )().foo,
"Should be able to use object as prototype"
* Gathering metadata on public methods of supertypes N>1 distance away
* is easy, as it is part of the public prototype chain that is
* naturally traversed by JavaScript. However, we must ensure that we
* properly recurse on *all* visibility objects.
* This test addresses a pretty alarming bug that was not caught during
* initial development---indeed, until the trait implementation, which
* exploits the class system in some odd ways---because the author
* dislikes inheritence in general, letalone large hierarchies, so
* protected members of super-supertypes seems to have gone untested.
'Extending validates against non-public super-supertype methods':
var called = false;
'virtual protected foo': function()
called = true;
} ).extend(
// intermediate to disconnect subtype
} ).extend(
'override public foo': function()
} )().foo();
// the override would have only actually taken place if the
// protected foo was recognized
this.assertOk( called );
} );